I set out alone in these open skies,
where I flutter my wings fearlessly
and in the glory of the sun,
I reach the peaks only to see the twilight
Search of ones Existence
I have just started writing my thoughts after a long gap of almost 4 years.
please leave your critques
Days seems to be short enough,for my words to grave on this slate,still I ink my quill everydayto cherish my grey days.I hear the silence of midnights..
This is about hallucination and personal experiences combined
Today,I knocked the doors of Divinity,some rushes of blood ,and some good old faith.I still see the halo,whispering my soul.Bewitched,strolling the di..
This is an experimental write from my pen. so please feel free to comment and critque
Abridging myriad distances,she reached the distant shores,where only waves echoed,and in unison she babbledlullaby of her callow soul.Then gazing the ..
Underneath these silent nights,I recline amidst barren barns,where I only hear the bewildernessand contorted whims of my frailing mind.Even the earth ..
Silken words,etched on my slate,once were the randomramblings of my mind,And now,when I wait for the autumn,reminiscing my seared soul,I strive to etc..