NK : Writing

Marmite Love

Marmite Love

A Poem by NK

My Blueberry Sky

My Blueberry Sky

A Poem by NK

My blueberry sky intricately woven,as a cardigan worn by gods.Smudges and spatter of a dull orange, wherea blushing sun seeks ground.Then passes a bla..


A Poem by NK

She comes in nuzzling,full of salt, full of froth;lingers, indulging in sunSlowly then goes, taking some tender earthmaking it pure.She nudges again,t..


A Poem by NK

Since time unknown I wanted a muttNo Lego, No Hershey , would make me stopA golden lab, only, could break the rutWhich i could feed and sit atop.Mothe..
Circus Love

Circus Love

A Poem by NK

For lust is a tightrope,soldering fickle hearts, sewing passion.Fade at its end,or tumble into love.Some hope woos smother,contemplates the fallTo sti..