n_tropy9 : Writing



A Poem by n_tropy9

Springtime is a time to be happy and I'm just not it


A Poem by n_tropy9

I love springtime, simply put.
Lost, Again

Lost, Again

A Poem by n_tropy9

love and amorous feelings suck, especially when the one who hold the affection for lives a distance away and a relationship is out of the question. gu..
Heretic's Hedge

Heretic's Hedge

A Poem by n_tropy9

oooh this one is bleak. I wrote this after playing the tcg Magic:the Gathering so I think some of the fantasy in that lingered


A Poem by n_tropy9

when a friend that you used to see a lot and hear from a lot stops writing and touring (yes a musician friend!)
Mute Streak

Mute Streak

A Poem by n_tropy9

introversion has its highs and lows


A Poem by n_tropy9

when you so want a 'partner in crime'


A Poem by n_tropy9

I think may many of you know what it's like to have obstacles thrown at you that keep you from getting what you want, in this case, love
The Victim

The Victim

A Poem by n_tropy9

what is the good of a heart if it's meant to be broken?
The Casual in Casualty

The Casual in Casualty

A Poem by n_tropy9

Why does it feel like we have war above our heads? I hope I am wrong