Kelley Culp : Writing

Fire on the rise

Fire on the rise

A Poem by Kelley Culp

the thoughts of a war veteran.
Get out

Get out

A Poem by Kelley Culp

Took a long hot shower, get this disease off of me Soaked in the sun for hours, get this darkness away from me Wrote in my diary, get these nasty th..
Forbidden Name

Forbidden Name

A Poem by Kelley Culp

People say his name, timidly as if he was Bloody Mary Some people think he is a monster, but I don't think he is very scary I can look at him straig..
Some Days

Some Days

A Poem by Kelley Culp

Some days the roses are a light gray, instead of black Some days the pain feels light as feathers, where most days it feels like sharp tacks Some da..

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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