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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Uhm, I'm 14, almost 15. I live in this really tiny town in Missouri. We have such a colorful cast of characters. They never cease to amaze and inspire me. As much as I love it here, though, I can't wait to leave. I want to see what the world has to offer me. After all, it is bigger than the mere 11,000 people town I've lived all my life.
I love writing, obviously. It all started in 7th grade when my SEAGUL's (gifted program) teacher started us on a creative writing unit. We were told to write a short story. I dreaded the task until I actually got down to it. It wasn't hard at all the sentences, choppy as they may have been, flowed from my pen to the paper easily. I look back at the 5 page short now and cringe. I've come a long way since then, but I will admit, I'm still not very confident in my writing.
My current project? A novel thingy mabobber. I have no clue what to call it. I'm only about 2 chapters into it, but I'm really excited about it. I've written the epilogue already. With the end clearly in sight, I feel more motivated to continue it. Besides. No one ever said you had to write the story in the order the events actually occurred.