Cindy T

Cindy T


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South Richmond Hill, NY
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A Poem by Cindy T

Tantie Tantie

A Poem by Cindy T

Promise Promise

A Poem by Cindy T

Purpose Purpose

A Poem by Cindy T

The Enigma The Enigma

A Poem by Cindy T

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A Poem by Cindy T

About Me

I'm 29, from Queens, NY. I've always loved writing, but never thought I could take it seriously. I started working on a musical at thirteen (score and all) just for fun. So now I am giving it a try. I am going to go back to school and I am trying to put myself out there.

I feel like there is a serious gaping hole in the genre of positive lesbian fiction, so that is where my interests lie. I also love poetry. I've been writing since my diaper days. I hope you guys like what I do.

Peace and Blessings


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Stay tuned for Chapters from my Lesbian Fiction...