TheBookkeeper : Writing



A Poem by TheBookkeeper

I don't care, your pain is mine,The weight you carry can rest on my shoulders,When you are down I'll lift you to the highestheight,When you are in the..


A Poem by TheBookkeeper

Life may gift you with lemons, but you need to find the sugar and water yourself


A Poem by TheBookkeeper

Time catches all
A Hero

A Hero

A Story by TheBookkeeper

A true hero needs no capeHe needs no special garbNot a power to his nameAll a hero needs is willThe will to helpThe will to stand outA hero doesn't ne..
My 4 by 6 room

My 4 by 6 room

A Story by TheBookkeeper

I sat alone in my 4 by 6 room.My body yearned for sleep that my mind refused.Too much could happen, like that day.I didn't understand why I was here, ..
The end

The end

A Poem by TheBookkeeper

I have tried and failed,I have loved and lost,I have been right and wrongAnd I'm all the better for itNow at the end the icy hand,No longer scary or l..
The hospital vist

The hospital vist

A Poem by TheBookkeeper

The hall was clean, quiet, it felt wrong.So much pain surge through the walls.Agony was thick in the air, I felt it. Why was it was so quiet, so cal..
A beautiful day.

A beautiful day.

A Poem by TheBookkeeper

The leaves have crisp reds, softyellowsand bright oranges.The sky is deep blue, the clouds a fluffy white mass.The grass is green, perfect green.The s..
Our touch

Our touch

A Poem by TheBookkeeper

We touched, our eyes met.I know you're the one
You broke me.

You broke me.

A Poem by TheBookkeeper

Love can be creul.

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