Denise Gray

Denise Gray


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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I'm big on writing. I'll write anything from fanfiction to my own original works. I don't really have any projects coming up as I've been facing writers' block for last couple of years and have been trying to recall that beautiful burst of inspiration and the will to write, instead of the desolete deeling of hopelessness. It's been a long journey and will be even longer still.

I usually write from real life situations that I have warped to fit my own needs. I love to infuse the strange with every day life. I love zombies. I love magick. I love weird things that go bump in the night and dancing in the rain. Most of my stories come from the queer place between real and make believe where the veil between childhood and adulthood shimmers in and out of existence.

Most of the works here are exercises. I'll attempt to finish them to the best that I can, but they are mostly conduits for me to get back into the swing of things and discover, or re-discover rather, why I love the writing process and why I strayed from it, or lost it, whatever the case may be.

I hope you'll help me on my journey; I know I'm going to need it.

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