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Detroit, MI
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About Me

I suppose this is more of an Authors Note, than a bio. But I'll put some interesting facts in at the end, to give you a sense of who I am.

Authors Note:
My perspective on life and all of its joys, troubles, chaos etc. are very expansive. I have a passion to write what I feel, Whenever I am inspired to write it. I myself don't believe in rough drafting my work. I feel it takes the excitement and the ingenuity out of things, although I do tend to "perfect" my pieces if I feel they needs to be refined. Back to other matters at hand, all of my work is my own, I may take quotes or anecdotes from philosophers/ other writers but I will always sight the ones that are not anonymous. These are my own opinions, and if/when I do give advice, it is strictly your choice to receive it. if you have a dilemma with my writing style or you just don't like it, then I�m sorry, please don't comment me with your hate speech, I�m not writing this to offend anyone, I�m giving all my readers the benefit of the doubt that we're all mature enough to handle our feelings in an appropriate manner. now if you have constructive criticisms or think you want to talk about an issue further or you want my opinion on a certain matter...ask me and I will be happy to oblige.

A few things about me
I will be attending MSU in a few years, after I finish up in Community college. I will be majoring in the medical field, and minoring in English and Art an maybe even Religion. I don't do drugs and am not much of a drinker. I like tattoo's and am planning on getting about 6 more. I absolutley adore reading and writing, I also have a passion for art of all kinds. I play a couple of instruments (flute, piano, drums). I'm single, but in love (go figure) and I have a siberian husky, who is my pride and joy. And last but not least, music=life, I can't breath without, if I had to choose between being blind and deaf, I would be blind, because I wouldn't want to live without being able to hear all the wonderful sounds of the world (excluding the more violent and dramatic sounds)
my aim is: Famosstarsnstrap
Feel free to message me anytime. :)