dan : Writing

the night falls

the night falls

A Poem by dan

an abstract look at an every day occurrence
bitter boy blue

bitter boy blue

A Poem by dan

a story of one man's battle with suicidal urge
Blame Me for My Lies

Blame Me for My Lies

A Poem by dan

about evading the truth
The Search

The Search

A Poem by dan

a search for something intangible, but very real


A Poem by dan

the aftermath of divorce, how it affects all parties involved
forgotten warrior

forgotten warrior

A Poem by dan

written about 7 years ago, it's about being tired of seeing all of our military volunteers coming home in boxes


A Poem by dan

when trust is elusive and bare
Deceptive Echoes

Deceptive Echoes

A Poem by dan

How something so benign as a soft breeze can turn violent, so damaging, so cruel.
defiant thought

defiant thought

A Poem by dan

when horrific thoughts invade one's attempts at normalcy
Crash and Burn

Crash and Burn

A Poem by dan

Members of US Navy going to a sailor's home to notify them of sailor's death.