Robert Ronnow : Writing



A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Everything is normalso not much to sing or say. No summer thunderstorm,the snow was magical only for an hour.Old menaren’t removing women’..
The Dead Woman's Cat

The Dead Woman's Cat

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

The dead woman’s cat in the furrows of the gardendoes not let herself be picked up although hungry and thin after five dayswith the dead woman a..
Return from Desert

Return from Desert

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Back from the desert and loving itboth the visit and the return.The powerful plane deiced in Chicago.Brittlebush, difficulty distinguishing acacia fro..


A Poem by Robert Ronnow

The day after my Aunt Ro dieda doe approached within a few feetas if confused about where she wasand what she should be doing.I could neither comfort ..


A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Spring morning,quiet. One coyote,three deer running in snow.What else have I seen?A sparrow hawk in mid-air snatcha robin, a sharp-shinned hawk catcha..


A Poem by Robert Ronnow

I have a special interest in telling about my colonoscopy.The doc cheerful, secure in his specialty, colon cancer beingthe second leading cause of can..
Gotta Go

Gotta Go

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Books to the libraryphotos to family.Paint cans and lumberfrom renovations years ago.Most of the furnitureincluding the piano.Fastest way to do thisis..
Types of Joy

Types of Joy

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

There are 12 types of joy:simple joyalmost joysystemic joySaturday joyexpressing joyknowing joyall joymax joyconstant inputs of joysingle greatest joy..
Nicky's Road Kill

Nicky's Road Kill

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Nicky, the neighbor’s dog, drags a road kill home.A beautiful pelt like those fox shoulder garments women wore in the forties.But the head is cr..
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A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Black lives matter. Me too.Not my president. Give peace a chance.Luck runs out. I like immigrants. Power must be challenged by power. Equal and opposi..

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