Sabbath_Nikole : Writing



A Poem by Sabbath_Nikole

Who knew such a simple thing? Could prove to be so consuming? So easy to destroy Disintegrates Left without a trace A challenge, this thing calle..
My World of Serenity

My World of Serenity

A Poem by Sabbath_Nikole

A dream i had took me to my perfect place.
A Crystalline World

A Crystalline World

A Poem by Sabbath_Nikole

Inspiration: The ice storm that just occured two days ago. EVerything, and i mean everything was covered in ice. The sun shone through this morning an..
Words Brew

Words Brew

A Poem by Sabbath_Nikole

Sit and wait Let it stir, let it brew Let it bubble up from murky depths Let demons consume The ever clear crystal thoughts In our minds Turni..
The Beast

The Beast

A Poem by Sabbath_Nikole

A beast be lurking Outside our halls His heavy tread heard by all A giant of guilt and suffering He laughs A hideous sound Drowned by those of..
Night Flight

Night Flight

A Poem by Sabbath_Nikole

A poem wrote in my half-wakefullness
A phrase of thought

A phrase of thought

A Poem by Sabbath_Nikole

To tame the thought To breathe anew Fresh thoughts In a fecund mind Nurtured by another Two people Loved dependence Not such a good thing B..
Aubrey's Story

Aubrey\'s Story

A Book by Sabbath_Nikole

An fairy girl, with a unique mixture of friends.
1: The beginings

1: The beginings

A Chapter by Sabbath_Nikole

She found herself sitting on an opened book, surrounded by many other large and worn books. Panic struck her. Where am I? What is this place? This ima..
2: The talk

2: The talk

A Chapter by Sabbath_Nikole

The dragon’s jaws snapped close to her face and talons flashed. “Do not order me as you would a slave, for I am no such thing. I am here..