Sadashivan Nair

Sadashivan Nair


Best meditation in the universe is SMILE. Smile means you are happy, happy means you are content, content means you dont run after, dont run means you

kallur, Annamanada P.O., Trissur, kerala, India
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Was Lava fire ball erupted and broke away from Sun the first stage of Earth? Over the time magnetic field of the fire ball attracted and pulled dust particles and gas overlapped to form real Earth. Do we exist due to planetary reactions or some thing else? Why for any energy, reaction of negative and positive factors so essential? Is variation of human behavior due to comprising different energy fields? Why some are introverted and some extroverted? What is evolution how we developed from monkey to human? Why other species did not evolve as fast as we? These may sound silly but each of us has or had once thought of it though it is silly. Such silly point sometimes gives birth to invention and discovery. What is Civilization? What is Culture? What is Religion? What is Love? What is Romance? What is Art? Why sex is so attractive? What drives us towards sexual behaviour. The quality of the characteristic that draws the attention and drags towards it is called Attraction. What is Sex and attraction? What is carnal attraction? Why situation creates stress in us? What is mind? What is education and its purpose? These questions puzzled me many times which tempted me to travel and study human and their behavior. Follow me on google+ :