saige_mitchell17 : Writing

Zoo Keeper

Zoo Keeper

A Poem by saige_mitchell17

Transformation Poem


A Poem by saige_mitchell17

What does perfect even mean? Does it mean looking like the girl everyone wants to be?Having no flaws?She asks herself as she stares in the mirr..
My princess Ring

My princess Ring

A Poem by saige_mitchell17

The shiny silver ring wrapped around my finger like a snake, The diamond reflecting in the light Blinding me This ring is worthless, I..
My First Date

My First Date

A Poem by saige_mitchell17

My heart was racing, I glanced into the mirror one last time, Everything had to be perfect. The headlights pulled into the driveway, A..
The Endless Summer

The Endless Summer

A Poem by saige_mitchell17

Collage Poem