sashley : Writing



A Poem by sashley

I wrote this poem while walking along South Bank in London. It relies heavily on alliteration.
Ignite and Engulf

Ignite and Engulf

A Poem by sashley

I wrote this after listening to Sia's "Fire Meets Gasoline" ten times in a row. Let me know what you think!
What is BROken can be Fixed

What is BROken can be Fixed

A Story by sashley

Forgive the pun in the title. I wrote this for my creative writing final and it spawned after having to write the dialogue before thinking of a story.
Something Bad in Carlsbad

Something Bad in Carlsbad

A Story by sashley

I wrote this short story for the final in my creative writing class. The prompt was that we had to start the story with one of Ginsberg's American..