W. Liddell

W. Liddell


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Greeley, CO
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About Me

Years: 29.46

This is the life and times of one Wendy Liddell and it includes objects and textures and people and buildings and cats and clouds and big and metal things around her.

It may include you. It includes striped knee socks, Arnold Palmers, inanimate objects with faces, situations where there are no words to describe them so therefore poetic license is employed. It most defintely includes love. The big BIG BiG king size kind. The kind that happens every minute, lasts for one minute or maybe a lifetime.

It includes down blankets, factories with broken windows, Thermoses, Muppets, cupcakes, inadequacies, wabi sabi, being afraid of doing your dishes, the #18 yellow school bus, John Lennon and milk, both chocolate and regular Vitamin D.

It always includes tangerines. Make no mistake about that.

There is most definitely more involved but it's too big or maybe too small to include here, but maybe if you peer in from time to time or interact from time to time, you will get a glimpse of what "the little peanut" is up to. She certainly hopes that you do.
Note: if you read things, could you please take a few more seconds to review it? I always do it for you. Thanks.

PS. I don't believe grammar applies to poetry so don't be offended if I don't take you seriously if you use this as a tool in your poetry reviews. After all, sometimes, that is the magic of poetry--messing with the language.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

How've you been?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

That's cool too see them make it... the Bronx Bombers (Yankees) didn't do so well this year, I just hope Cleveland kicks Bostons a*s!!! Indians, Rockies: Cleveland hasn't won the series in like, sixty years, and the Rock's have never been there. It'd be cool.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Oh we can't forget about the Jets either... as for now - the bag stays.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Time wounds all heals!!! Haha, how've you been??? Good to see ya'round.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Haha, I'd get one of my own if they were any good.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I thought I was the only one. Do you have Blockbuster? There's a movie in their film festival section called Niagara Motel which I am also most fond of. I believe the girl from Wonderfalls is in it.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Yer welcome :-)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hello absentee friend! I went a little AWOL myself so it's nice to come back to something familiar.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Well I'm certainly glad to hear that you haven't died. That would have been quite sad.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Other picture? ...that narrows it right down. hehe. Busy busy too I see. I'm half way through summer semester - I'm about wore out as hell. I wear the bag because I'm a New York Knicks fan ;-)