Blair Patrick Schuyler

Blair Patrick Schuyler


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Los Angeles, CA
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About Me

I'm an author of an incredibly personal memoir and an editor looking to connect with fellow writers.

I'm available as a copywriter/editor for practically any task in almost any arena. I have been editing/proofreading novels, screenplays, short stories, blogs, and online articles for years. I'm a born writer with a natural ability to spot errors in spelling, grammar, usage, mechanics, clarity, etc. almost instantly.

If you are an author hoping to publish your work—either traditionally or through self-publishing channels—give it a fighting chance in the market by ensuring it's perfect. Don't let easily avoidable typos and errors deter prospective agents and publishers or take your readers out of the story. Let me clean that copy before it's delivered to the world.

Also, don't hesitate to reach out to me for help with all your proofreading and writing needs. Take a look through the content on your personal or professional websites. Does it shine? Is it expressing exactly what you want? Does it sell you and your brand? Is there more you want to say, but you can't find the perfect words? I'll enable you the freedom to convey what's in your head, even when those rebellious typing fingers disagree. Let's build something better.