sophia kathleen

sophia kathleen


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toronto, southern ontario canada, Canada
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About Me

Kathleen’s Biography & Background
I am a Canadian citizen who lives in downtown Toronto, Cabbagetown. I’m a seasoned freelance writer, journalist, environmentalist, health writer and social activist. I believe in voluntary simplicity, compassionate community, entrepreneurship, personal growth, inspired living and spirituality.

I blog regularly, I’m a communications, social media and public relations expert and I’m great at creating powerful strategies in communications and business consulting.
In the past I have volunteered at Canadian Organic Growers, Seeds of Hope Foundation and The Ottawa Jazz Festival helping with advocacy work, facilitation groups, newsletters, communications projects, trade shows and community events.

I love creative writing, stories and poems and journal writing. I am a member of several writing groups and attend workshops and love to share my handmade chapbooks.
You will find me at organic farmers markets or cycling around town while on the way to cafes to capture my thoughts and words. I am fairly well known around Toronto and I attend many reading series and open mic events and love reading and sharing my work with readers and listeners.
Publications & Reviews
I am previously published in the anthology of the Toronto Writer's Co-op, a short story describing my first experience on LSD and then seeing Jesus called A Trip to End All Trips.
I am also published in Labour of Love a publication of local poets edited by Norman Cristofoli.
I have one article published in Real Estate Magazine on marketing communications in the real estate field.
I am in the process of submitting to poetry literary review publications and expect some of the poems to be published in the very near future.
"The latest collection of poems from this fine writer not only let us see into her heart and mind but her soul. They range from outright rage to gentle love and soft description of scenes.
She is a mistress of imagery and diction. In poems like "Ageless" and "Song of the Swing" we have gentle diction and air - filled pictures.
"High Park Ave in the Rain" is a great example of a descriptive narrative poem. And "In The Arms of Michael" is great little love story.
"The Drifter" is a beautiful example of poetic self examination."
Jack Livesley, educator and tv per