spayne94 : Writing

Creature of poison

Creature of poison

A Poem by spayne94

It's feathers glued to it's body like match sticks It's wings identical in shape and size flutter in the winds It's beak sharp and serated knife lik..
Demonic nightmare

Demonic nightmare

A Poem by spayne94

Life is a nightmare and you are my demon Your pointed teeth and claws, scratch at my heartstrings Staring your venomous eyes bulge into my sockets ..


A Poem by spayne94

His demonic voice whispers in the wind, To the harsh tempo of the lightening drums, The lightening screams and roars in terror, So ..
The man

The man

A Poem by spayne94

The man, He knows, I know he’s there Silently he watches me, Aware of his painful torture, He laughs, I know he laughs, He t..
A jourmey only you can take

A jourmey only you can take

A Poem by spayne94

A journey, only you can survive the horrors of it all Only you can fight your demons Only you to defeat them with fire There is a ch..
The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114


A Poem by spayne94

Moments of cold bitter isolation Against you digging like rose thorns prickling your sides, Impossible to forget, normality to endure the reoccu..
At sea with serenity

At sea with serenity

A Poem by spayne94

A murmur of sound In similarity to the hushes of the waves Synchronised whispers in tune hum along the shores, Swoosh swoosh swoosh echo all ar..
Silent screams

Silent screams

A Poem by spayne94

Rapid beats quicken in cranium and heart alike Your mind whoozes in uncertainty Garish colours swirl rotating with insanity Detached yo..


A Poem by spayne94

Drowning in my own sorrows I see the roses dying there thorns equal my emotion Prickling my innards Thorn by sharp thorn Digging at me ..
Neurotic psychotic

Neurotic psychotic

A Poem by spayne94

Your scars are your inner tears and inner emotions ripping you in two, Your soul screaming for feeling, For pain to abolish that numbing feelin..