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Lockney, TX
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Hey y'all my name is Stephana and I just graduated from Lockney High School and in the fall I will start at ASU and I'm really excited. Well, a friend told me about this website so I decided to check it out! =)


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thank you for accepting my friend request. I plan on getting around to reading and reviewing your poetry as I hope you do mine. In the mean time please send me any poems via read request that you would like. I look forward to the inspiration I know that you are bringing to this site. Peace!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

It should be everyone's favorite line. It packs a punch. Like starburst =) And yeah, boys are stupid.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I wouldnt make you cry! =D!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

YA it does make sense but you see. Your family would get mad at you..Why is that? Just because you dont believe in the same stuff they do? They automatically get angry with you? Thats the sorta thing thats like...Why?..It's like our town..if alot of people knew I was athiest they would automatically judge me and call me a devil worshiper or something stupid like that. Even thought I'm a good kid and I help people out and I open doors for old ladies and all that other stuff it wouldnt matter just because I am not christian.And when those polygamist people came here we had to have a town meeting? WTF is that? just because there religion is different from the towns we automatically think they are gonna cause trouble? And to me...the churches are trying to scare youth into believing in god.. Thats the way I see it...

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Posted 16 Years Ago

umm well lets see. The main reason for me is that It's hard for me to believe. I like to know the whole story. I dont like missing chapters that cant be explained. I have found this other theory that I believe that explains most loopholes in the bible wich is pretty interesting. But sometimes it's not that I dont believe in God it's that I doubt him.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

chillin =/

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Nice to see that you are getting involved with the community =D

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Keep writing. Your writing is unique and very individual! Keep it up!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Oh the contest im not to familiar with. I do know they have different contest with different kinds of style that you can enter your writing in if you think you have a shot at winning.

haha im glad your excited :D

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Nice! you already have your profile set up! look around on how to check your messages. I sent you ta invite to this group that I am they are big so it will help you get your writings cirulated =)