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sushobhan : Writing

B-day gift,"POETRY".

B-day gift,"POETRY".

A Poem by sushobhan

"When the luminosity of comet glitters,a perspective, akin to your soul gets born.""A phenom like you,with gusto and zeal,is ablazed to smite my strif..
"The obscenity of posterity."

"The obscenity of posterity."

A Poem by sushobhan

Based on the current trends of being depraved, this poem reflects a sharp prospective of what is to come.
"The last drop of my living"

"The last drop of my living"

A Poem by sushobhan

Just make a small errand with depressing sensation.
The incident that makes you despondent.

The incident that makes you despondent.

A Story by sushobhan

A wretched story about a fellow who suffers recklessly out of remunerating incidents he undergoes. A depiction of trauma,tragedy that one can suffer f..
"Turbo skates for a legend"

"Turbo skates for a legend"

A Poem by sushobhan

Here is my bonafide conviction regarding the legends whose fame turn them immortalized in the eyes of mundanes like us. They're meticulous,full of acu..


A Poem by sushobhan

Meet the most constructive and destructive elements of nature.
"Ravages of being solitary"

"Ravages of being solitary"

A Poem by sushobhan

A depressive soul walks in,all alone,for whom merriment was cremated. Blossoms of cheer fell in no man's land for him. Being bold,he survives the deje..
"Wrath of the cadaverous mansion"

"Wrath of the cadaverous mansion"

A Story by sushobhan

A story that's all about the outcomes of wickedness and mediocrity of a guy who slays a young girl of age 12 i.e as charming as a fawn,but only in a d..
crippled in being dormant

crippled in being dormant

A Poem by sushobhan

in this composition,a straight edge kickoff towards the halloween gets emphasized.Cruise on,as the nerves get blocked,and feel the wrath of a dream th..

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