the_raven : Writing

Bleeding Moors.

Bleeding Moors.

A Poem by the_raven

Nightmare echoes poignant potent, the surreal march relentless, crawling through our mind. Shards of innocence Pauline John Keith. Les..
The Falling Man.

The Falling Man.

A Poem by the_raven

Angels on the black breeze eased the way down flames licking past through falling shards howls echoed in silence: grey silence that held a..
On Ice.

On Ice.

A Poem by the_raven

I watch the glass ease so easily half empty a picturesque delusion of happiness, mocking as the second hand floats slowly by stuttering at twelve,..

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
Know That I Too
We are never alone (a poem for mental health month)