theair : Writing

Chapter I

Chapter I

A Chapter by theair

It was gray that evening, the clouds slung low in the sky, light rainfall playing on my face as I watched the passengers board the bus. I let my da..


A Book by theair

A thousand paper cranes

A thousand paper cranes

A Poem by theair

Based on an old legend
I like you standing here

I like you standing here

A Poem by theair

I like you standing here topfull with light wet with darkness serenaded or sedated on your heels on your toes mindful or mind full of blu..
The Marsupial Prisoner

The Marsupial Prisoner

A Story by theair

An imprisoned kangaroo longs for his lost children.
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A Poem by theair

It would all come to be routine: the drips that fell on our eyelids jarring us awake at daybreak, the handfuls of ice we'd gather for patching our..


A Poem by theair

I switch sides of my bed every night so that I'll wake to a different nobody every morning.
shoes & love

shoes & love

A Poem by theair

when I slide my shoes off I leave one awry and on pretended whims you nudge them together every single time that is why