alexis karpouzos

alexis karpouzos


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athens, Greece
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About Me

Alexis Karpouzos is a thinker and spiritual teacher. He was born in Greece. He has attended philosophy and social sciences lessons at the School of Philosophy and at the Law School of Athens. He participated in self-organized alternative education groups which were experiencing modern pedagogical and didactic theories and methods. He is experienced in the theory and the method of psychoanalysis. His research interests revolve around the Holistic Knowledge – Widsom that combines the knowledge of nature and the knowledge of spirit and creates the experience of the universal consciousness.
He has published eight books in Greek and three in English (‘’The self criticism of science’’, ‘’Cosmology: philosophy and physics’’, ‘’Universal consciousness: The bridges between science and spirituality΄΄). The themes of his books relate to: General Philosophy and Ontology, History of Ideas, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Science, Educational Philosophy, Cosmology and Physics and Social Sciences.

In 1998 he founded the “Think Lab” where he teaches philosophy, natural and social sciences. “Think Lab” is an international educational, research and cultural institute that aims to transform the thinking and the evolution of consciousness. Apart from its educational and research aspects, Think.Lab organizes, develops and takes part in a self-organized actions:
·Art Actions (visual actions, musical actions and drama group)

·Cultural Actions (cinema club, dance club)

·Socilal Actions (Social Solidarity Clinic, social school, School for migrants and refugees)
He founded and coordinates:

"The Way to the Invisible", philosophical research community for children and teen "

The international online program, ‘’Transformation of thought and the evolution of consciousness’’,

"The Soul of the Universe - The Universe of the Soul", interdisciplinary program that is aimed at teachers and psychotherapists.
"The School of Earth and Sky" outdoor atmospheres knowledge and wisdom.