Day Dreamer

Day Dreamer


New poem posted. Go check it out and tell me what you think about it! :)

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About Me

Hey, and welcome to my world (a.k.a. my profile). Here is a tad bit of information about myself, my name is Devon, but you may call me by my character's name: Maria. I'm 17 and very imaginative. I tend to zone out sometimes because I'm either thinking about a new idea for my stories or about vampires and werewolves. Normal teenager thoughts, huh? I know, I know. I need a new hobby and better concentration. I don't have ADD, ADHD, or anything that could help me not pay attention. I am very smart....sometimes. I have good eyesight, good hearing, and most importantly a good memory. Don't want me to have a bad memory between us? Don't make one. But anyways, Maria is 17 years old and is currently living without parents. I have both of my parents and a little brother. My parents have never divorced, so I have my birth parents. Whatcha lookin' at? I know I'm good looking and everything but that's no reason to stare. Lol, I'm only joking with you.
Also I'm in the band. I am a flute player, and currently a vet/senior. Don't know what a vet is? A vet is a person that has marched for at least 1 year. I'm not the best flute player in the world, but I try. My choice in music is hip-hop or classical. Maybe a little rock, but very little. Hmmmm.... what have I left off?
Oh yes, I have a crush. I love him to death. Honestly. Another thing, I'm straight. Meaning I'm not bi, lesbian, or gay. Not in anyway.
I am nice....only when you haven't ticked me off. I get aggressive when I'm mad and say mean things that I shouldn't. If I ever do that to y'all, I'm deeply sorry. Please excuse my rudeness, and unfriendly behavior.
I don't play sports. I never have and never will. That's just the way I am. I prefer band and writing. That's just my thing.
Hmmm... what else have I left off? Oh yes, I have a soul sister. I know, another normal teenager type thing. She is my other half. She knows me better than anyone else does. Even better than any of my boyfriends ever did. Her name is Ashley. I love her to death and you hurt her, I'll pound your face in. Just sayin'. :3
Another thing, my favorite color is pink and Maria's favorite color is blue. See the difference between me and my character? She's a vampire by the way, only in some of my stories.
My hobbies are writing, reading, Facebook, WritersCafe, and sleeping. I don't go outdoors, though I probably should. I can't stand the heat. Yes, I know I'm a sissy for not standing the heat and complaining about it, but I'm just that way. I get a red face when I'm nervous, hot, scared, and pretty much everything else. A family trait.
I was born on March 31st, a day before April Fool's Day. I was very close to sharing a birthday with my older cousin, Josh. His birthday is March 30th. :)
Well, I'm gonna end this long bio about me. If you have any questions that are related to something about myself I didn't mention, or about any of my stories, feel free to message me on WritersCafe, or email me at: [email protected]
Either way, I'll try to get all of y'all's questions answered soon and feel free to send me a story suggestion. I'll read it and give some serious thought about it. I'm just a southern girl, livin' in a southern world. Well, have an amazing day!
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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hey how are you messaged me a while ago on my profile ? message me lets catch up ..

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Foe your kind review!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thank you Devon but I'm still not here, I've just engraved into a steel plate the poem 'In Loving Memory' so I came back to see It's reviews and ask for a few more.

Keep writing girl you will excell :o)

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Posted 12 Years Ago

You're welcome.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thanks for the birthday wish ♥

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Flute :) Leaves me lightheaded everyday after school and/or practice.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Cool! What instrument do you play?

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Why you not here? Did you find a better place to display your poetry?

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thank-you Devon but I'm no longer here :0)

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Posted 12 Years Ago

You're welcome and I'm good. You?