Vegetarian Wolf

Vegetarian Wolf


Not a vegetarian, not a wolf

Houston, TX
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About Me

I'm a poet and I'll be posting my poetry here.
I feel comfortable in sharing it.
I'm currently trying to get myself to write stories as I have ideas, I know how they go but. if its hard if its not spontaneous.
I'll turn my about me into a poem.

I'm a musician, a 27 year old teenager who still looks for his youth, no existential crisis cus I have nothing to lose. I have ideas, fleeting moments of emotions, and sperts of creativity
I live in a fallen world that is fully representative of me. I don't understand it, why convolution equals. creation has its sequels, why I look for a match in the dark and a rhyme to spark some kind of inspiration for the words that seem so out of reach to grasp in my heart.
just to spark a moment
love is just a word, letting go of it is okay.
cus inevitably the day will come when it'll be taken away
that I can say since it never comes, the hours too late.
negative, positive, cliché or a foolish coward.
sweet as I am, I've been raised to be sour
realisticly speaking, no jokes or fantasy
words are just a clever hoax, hypnotizing
reality is much more immediately traumatizing, like lightning.
in truth there's no escape.
black and white, one, and no second way.
delusions of grandeur, piano with leather fur
your hands will age and your body will find no comfort
when you come of age. Love.
stay simple and sweet.
even if life is just a blur
I can only love you
but I can never give you an answer.
pain and more
I don't have an answer
speculation is the duration of anyone's talk
breathe, close your eyes, stop, and those of us still alive still have to walk.

k. a bit dark. but well... thats profile for now.