A.M. Victoria (LostWritings) : Writing

End of Soliphisis, the Merge

End of Soliphisis, the Merge

A Poem by A.M. Victoria (LostWritin..

I challenge you to tell me the meaning of this.


A Poem by A.M. Victoria (LostWritin..

The salt is like daggers; The void is my heart. Yet I smile, nevertheless As I taste the sharp edge Upon my bleeding tongue And relish the ir..
Darkest of Pitch

Darkest of Pitch

A Poem by A.M. Victoria (LostWritin..

Light of the darkness like salt in our wounds, open we bleed for salvation.
Downward Spiral

Downward Spiral

A Poem by A.M. Victoria (LostWritin..

Upon seeing the future of a looked-up-to acquaintance crumble...
The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...


A Poem by A.M. Victoria (LostWritin..

A poem about MBTI Intuition (N).
A Dreamer's Heartbreak

A Dreamer's Heartbreak

A Poem by A.M. Victoria (LostWritin..

Do you ever feel like you've reached a point where you can advance no further, and you just want to break away?
Searching for Haven

Searching for Haven

A Poem by A.M. Victoria (LostWritin..

We must choose our paths wisely, for only the finest of soils will allow trees to thrive, and the largest of trees will be destroyed for a profit.
The RESPAWN Chronic

The RESPAWN Chronic

A Book by A.M. Victoria (LostWritin..

If machines could bring people back to life, would life really be that great
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

A Chapter by A.M. Victoria (LostWritin..

Greetings Editor,Attached is the honest story of two boys, 13 year old Halden Emerson and 16 year old Adrian Parker, who both lived in the experimenta..

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