samantha : Writing

Long Cold Winter

Long Cold Winter

A Poem by samantha

Sliped beyond the reality i once had now passing through the dream's that show the change in my life, can't change the past, but maybe sleep through t..
Her Eyes

Her Eyes

A Poem by samantha

Her thoughts wasn’t hers, her heart beat like a drum, fait thought to play a crazy game on her, but the hours past by, her emotions were wreck..


A Poem by samantha

when he looks at youyou feel like your in a dream,cant take this no moreshe feels like she cant do right,but its to late she’s gone,nothing stop..
Whispers of the Heart

Whispers of the Heart

A Poem by samantha

my heart sings to the love i seek, i reach to the heavens for u, my tears speak of my lonelyness that my heart beats, i wait for the day, a continuein..


A Poem by samantha

Tears fall down my face and land upon red silky peddles of the rose that catches the pain that stabs my heart, closes my eyes to escape the reality an..
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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A Poem by samantha

I want to cry but cant, I desire peace but get chaos, I fight for peace but lose my ground each step I take, I see but yet blind, when it snows..


A Poem by samantha

My heart of loneliness, you never thought I could leave, but your heart was so cold, how can I come back, you never realised how bad it was, ..


A Poem by samantha

My seductiveness moves into your beating heart, my dances draw you into me, my eye's charm you even further, I move like a snake through the gra..


A Poem by samantha

the times of darkness the moon shimmers with such beauty and passion, the darkness reveals my heart and soul for those who cant conceal my emotions to..


A Poem by samantha

My darkness cant be described but only felt, my soul is darker then the devils heart, my mind is blocked from your intellectual emotions, the m..

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