


never ending headache

Portland, IA
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i am twenty five


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Posted 10 Years Ago


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Posted 13 Years Ago

bone marrow can be amazing if cooked right

it's oily, buttery and fatty and kinda tastes like melted steak fat but oiler

or like foie gras but less livery

i like all these things

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Posted 13 Years Ago

i like your new infit

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Posted 13 Years Ago

My sanity is just a figure of speech
Reality is not for me
Broken, cold, and alone
Hidden in the ruins
Made by the Decline of Nromality

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Posted 14 Years Ago

ddduuuddddddeeeeeeeeeeee where have you been? You have been missed, to say the least and imply the most.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I'm alright.
How are you?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

hi wolfie, you're fun too.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

that is something i've considered too. at least i'll have my teacher's income to fall back on...

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Posted 14 Years Ago

lol, it is my own perspective. of course it is close-minded. we're not debating life and eternity... i'm sharing my suggestions and reactions. poems are personal, to both writer and reader. when we feel we've connected, and that we've thoroughly been mind-blown by your poem, then that's triggered some deep, close-minded id. i feel like a goon using that word.

my perspective of writing is not open-minded. in specific cases (such as poems), i have to be close-minded, or else i won't "get" the poem.

so i've scared you away by now... we've been partying the ECU victory and now i'm on writerscafe. drinking and critiquing does not mix. i'm sorry if i've been a butthead. for now, i'm going to pour lighter fluid on my keyboard and light it on fire. the wax will seal it up and i can just brush it all off the computer...

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Posted 14 Years Ago

not a problem... every good thing said was deserved. the title is what took me in, so i guess i have to compliment the title too. seems nothing is flawless with that damn thing.
i'm sorta jealous now :P