writing mojo

writing mojo


is way to loud in thought to be of sound mind

whereyournot, FL
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About Me

an amplified thinker from a world where words color in the blanks so many live for
to have their verbal spirits read into breath...


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Posted 9 Years Ago

Hey mister! Just frozen solid in snowmageddon 2015 and wishing with my whole being that I was in Florida and walking down the beach headed to the Lani Kai..... Sigh.... HELP me.....

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Hey - I've only just returned to this website. If you are interested I've finally finished my book about my time spent in Brazil. The first chapter is uploaded on here and if enough people want to read more I'll gradually post the whole thing.

Cheers if you read, if not I don't blame you - I hate being asked to read something too!

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Posted 10 Years Ago

fireworks gif photo: Fireworks 4th of July gif FIREWORKS_Animation.gif

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Happy New Year mojo!

 photo 67a8d715-248c-43f9-a2c8-d6af574c81ed_zps456fe13c.jpg

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Happy New Year photo: Happy New Year 2906790vvcy47j4q3.gif

Happy New Year my friend :)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

 photo d6cd4150-f18b-49b2-b462-81d9fd903084_zps2d989410.jpg

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Happy turkey day

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Posted 10 Years Ago

thanksgiving photo: Cigar Advisor Publishes the Thanksgiving Experience of a Cigar Smoker gI_87786_thanksgiving-cigar-smoking.jpg

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Posted 10 Years Ago

 photo s--my-album--GOOD-SAYS--rozne--you-only--morning-day--quote-n-share--week--Swee_large_zps8413edfc.jpg

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Thank you for the add by the way. It's easier to go through my friends list and keep up on current writings. -Dye