Beginning of it all.

Beginning of it all.

A Chapter by Britain Crawford

I have a similar story like this on Instagram but this one is a little more detailed. So, check on the one on my IG too. @1dimaginespage69

I wake up to my phone ringing. I look at it seeing Harry's name flash across the screen. I answer it. "Hey, are we still on for lunch?" "Yeah, I'll be there at 12." "Okay, see you then." I sit up and stretch. The sunlight through the windows blinding me. I get up and look out the window. I'm looking out over the city. I moved here about a year with Harry. He finally got to settle down some where and he chose New York. It's a beautiful day. I walk over to the closet and throw n a pair of shorts and a halter top and look in the mirror. The outfit was cute. I match it with a pair do matching black heels. I grab my phone and head down stairs. Harry and I share a flat in downtown New York. I start walking to mine and Harry's favorite Restaurant. "Carter's". We usually ate here twice a week. I think it has become an addiction. I walk in and the host immediately greets me. "Hello, Kylee, are you meeting Harry here?" "Yeah, is he here yet?" "No." He takes me to our usual seat, and leaves me there. It takes about five minutes before I see Harry walk in. He sits down right beside me. We order our food and make small talk. After we eat we walk out into the street. "So, what are you doing today?" "Sitting at home, like usual." I say "the come to the studio with me." He says kissing me on the lips. "Alright." I say smiling. We walk to the studio surprisingly not getting mobbed by fans. There actually wasn't that many people out today. When we go there Harry kissed me one more time and went into the studio. I sat down in the chair and listened thought the head phones. After the boys recorded about 3 songs they got an hour break. We went into the lounge and watched TV. We were watching 1,000 ways to die, when all of sudden a sudden alert flashes across the screen. The TV is directed to a live news cast in Times Square. the reporter is standing near the water fountain. "We have reports of the Zombie virus that is affected the area of uptown New York." Liam, Louis, and Niall bust out laughing. I sit there and smile. When out of nowhere the camera guy gets attacked the camera screen goes black. You can hear screaming and grunting but no picture. When the screen flickers back on I'm shocked. A man laying in a pool of blood and his face is torn to pieces. "What the hell?" Harry says. I burst into tears and hide my face in Harry's neck.

© 2012 Britain Crawford

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Added on December 31, 2012
Last Updated on December 31, 2012
Tags: One Direction, teenagers, zombies, apocalypse


Britain Crawford
Britain Crawford

Dallas , TX

My name is Britain Crawford! I'm 15. I obviously love one direction. I'm not obsessed. I swear. I write fan-fiction! So check them out and let me know what you think! (: more..
