Life is a tragedy

Life is a tragedy

A Poem by Aa Harvey

She lives in the shadows,

With no-one on her side.

She has always been down there;

She carries the pain behind those eyes.



She sings of melancholy,

Whilst wearing a smile.

She dreams her life will change,

But she will always live in the fire.



Her future is tragic

And everyone but her knows;

She is surrounded by friends,

But she is all alone.



She drinks from a bottle,

To forget her thoughts.

She sings from her black soul

And who would have thought?



Now she is gone from us;

We always knew this day would come.

The drink and drugs were her bullets;

Her life and thoughts were her gun.



She speaks in riddles,

In lines we can hear.

Her voice has the echoes,

Of a thousand years.





(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

© 2016 Aa Harvey

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That's beautifully tragic, and I love your words

Posted 5 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 2, 2016
Last Updated on March 2, 2016
Tags: her, singer


Aa Harvey
Aa Harvey

United Kingdom

I have been writing poetry for over ten years and I write about everything. The music I listen to can be found on you tube. Just search aa harvey 5000 playlist. The first 5 playlists are the mu.. more..
