The Fallen

The Fallen

A Poem by Aa Harvey

Our sinful ways will ruin our world.


We are the burners of the future in our hands.

Singers for the condemned; the eternal believers at the bitter end.

So prey for salvation or a miracle my friend,

Because hope is needed now, more than ever, I guess.



We are drowning in lies as the fires rise

And your lie after lie leaves our lives on the line.

We are doomed to die alone with no-one at our side.

We accept this as given; so purify.



Your sins are forgiven, but never forgotten;

We are the children of Eden; the tears of God.

We love our lies; we are completely smitten;

We thought we ruled our planet, but now we are lost.



Our generation believed we were somehow different,

But our past has taught us how wrong we are.

We trust in our souls; we are completely committed.

Our fate has been sealed now we’ve gone too far.



You disappeared like the end of a rainbow;

No gold at the end, for the fallen children.

We need to know it all, but what do we really know?
We walked alongside God, but now we are The Fallen.



(C)2012 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

© 2016 Aa Harvey

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Added on March 2, 2016
Last Updated on March 2, 2016
Tags: society, generation, god, sins


Aa Harvey
Aa Harvey

United Kingdom

I have been writing poetry for over ten years and I write about everything. The music I listen to can be found on you tube. Just search aa harvey 5000 playlist. The first 5 playlists are the mu.. more..
