Widow with a husband

Widow with a husband

A Poem by Aa Harvey

Widow with a husband.



Who is this man sat before me? What happened to my love?

Why me? I don't deserve this, my chastity I did keep.

Forever faithful to my husband, awaiting his return,

Now this stranger sits here in front of me;

Inside my heart doth burn.



Two years have passed, since I kissed him goodbye,

Now I gaze upon his face, not a tear can I cry.

My face cannot show my feelings, for pity is all I feel.

No longer can I stand to kiss him, to hold him I must kneel.



The athletic man I used to know, is gone from me forever,

My love for him cannot carry on,

There is no way to make things better.

His body is half dead, he has no legs

And his arm can no longer hold me,

To hold him is to touch ice, my grief he must not see.



Once upon a time he was so strong,

Now he sits here so weak,

My heart shattered upon his return,

But the truth I cannot speak.

The smell of the hospital sickens me,

The screams of pain of all those injured,

Was this war really worth all this grief? 

I no longer have any fighting spirit.



Why must I be strong and tell him everything is ok?

When I know he can see my love is gone,

But these words I cannot say.

I love him for who he is,

But now he's no longer the man I once loved.

This war has taken my husband from me,

The Kaiser has taken my love.



(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

© 2016 Aa Harvey

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Added on March 9, 2016
Last Updated on March 9, 2016
Tags: war, love, husband, wife, cry, pity, grief


Aa Harvey
Aa Harvey

United Kingdom

I have been writing poetry for over ten years and I write about everything. The music I listen to can be found on you tube. Just search aa harvey 5000 playlist. The first 5 playlists are the mu.. more..
