Forever Lost

Forever Lost

A Poem by Abel Garcia

About Peace and Chaos

 Crystal skies fill me with peace,
 an overwhelming Reminder of Love,
Compassion, and Soul.
 Yet still chaos tempts to guide me further,
 Tries to end my life.
 At times i feel that all of my soul is peaceful,
 and still half tempts me to destroy myself,
 with remembrance of my past.
 Sometimes i feel,
 Forever Lost.

© 2010 Abel Garcia

My Review

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I have to agree with Brittany, it would seem a lot more poetic if you formatted this into stanzas. I also have to say that the big font was kind of distracting and I focused more on that than the quality of your writing, presentation is part of the writing process too (but of course not as important). But over all this is a great poem and when I get time i'll be reading more of your writing.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Totally relatable!! Nice peice.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Nice poem,
please keep it up,
great work.

Posted 10 Years Ago

thanks brittany i will try harder with stanzas Next time :D

V2 Fix
-added stanzas
-lowered Font size

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

I have to agree with Brittany, it would seem a lot more poetic if you formatted this into stanzas. I also have to say that the big font was kind of distracting and I focused more on that than the quality of your writing, presentation is part of the writing process too (but of course not as important). But over all this is a great poem and when I get time i'll be reading more of your writing.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I love the poem, but couldn't you put it into stanzas like
Crystal skies fill me with peace,
an overwhelming Reminder of Love,
Compassion, and Soul
Something like that. Otherwise, I love it, I hope you keep writing ^-^

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on January 6, 2010
Last Updated on January 7, 2010
Tags: peace, chaos, forever, lost, gone, dead, life, soul
Previous Versions


Abel Garcia
Abel Garcia

Round Rock, TX

I am a Poet and Short Story writer from Austin, Tx. My writing is either A) Dedicated to somebody, and based upon a topic THEY will know. or B) The sad truths behind the world we live in, through my o.. more..
