

A Poem by Zephyair

Heart Break.


My heart beats;

Beats again;

then stutters:

and fails.


Your words;

"Let's just be friends";

Bore into me;

And cut  deeply.


I've never loved;

Anyone like quite like you;

Nor has;

Anyone loved me.


That's why it hurts;

And why my heart aches;

Aching for you;

To kiss me again.


I realize;

That you were the first;

Who truly loved me;

That makes it hurt more.


I know;

Why people dislike me;

Yet you saw through;

To the real me.


You know me;

Now I'm afraid;

Would you tell anyone;

Those dark secrets?


I look away;

I try to forget;

It doesn't work;

But I refuse to cry.

© 2008 Zephyair

Author's Note

He may have been my first "actual" boyfriend but it still hurt, even though it may not seem like it.

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Since I know you personally, I should have gotten around to reading this before. You're going to be put through a heck of a lot of heartache before you actually find the right one. I've had my old boss explained it best when she said 'I thought it was love. It was more forced than anything, really. I didn't really know what love was until I met **** and his hat flew off that one day.''

Just imagine how people whose love is 'wrong' get through it. There aren't any fairy tales, but media and books don't show that. Your words were felt here. I've had so much that I know wasn't even love but kept trying to force it. Don't push yourself, k?

Great job. Keep writing. I'll give you a hug when I see you tomorrow.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Since I know you personally, I should have gotten around to reading this before. You're going to be put through a heck of a lot of heartache before you actually find the right one. I've had my old boss explained it best when she said 'I thought it was love. It was more forced than anything, really. I didn't really know what love was until I met **** and his hat flew off that one day.''

Just imagine how people whose love is 'wrong' get through it. There aren't any fairy tales, but media and books don't show that. Your words were felt here. I've had so much that I know wasn't even love but kept trying to force it. Don't push yourself, k?

Great job. Keep writing. I'll give you a hug when I see you tomorrow.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The first heart break bites deep but is usually followed by many more all part of growing up young lady.Love is a strange thingyou fall in love so easily when you are yooung or think you do.When the real thing hits you will know.To love nad be loved in return is the ultimate.
Your pain comes across clearly couched in poetic prose or free form wnichever you choose to call it

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on October 8, 2008



Temiskaming Shores, Canada

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