You Have No Idea

You Have No Idea

A Poem by Zephyair

What's in my head is mine alone...Don't pretend to think you know me.


You have no idea

You never have and never will know

You like to think you know

But you don't


What's in my head stay there

What's in my mind will stay as a thought

What goes through my thoughts

You'll never know


Because you never ask


To know how I truly feel

To see how I see

To feel how I feel

In ways that are so much more different from yours


You rely on logic

You rely on common sense

You rely on facts

But I don't need thoughs


Its why I'm an artist

Its why I like the dark

Its why I hide

Keeping my mind from ruining everything


They call me the glue

That holds our group together

They don't realize

You don't realize


That I have no one I can entrust with my thoughts

With my secrets

That I am afraid to share with anyone else

© 2010 Zephyair

Author's Note

no punctuation for a reason....

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Added on November 5, 2010
Last Updated on November 5, 2010



Temiskaming Shores, Canada

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