Salem Girls

Salem Girls

A Poem by SquinklaPsyOps

Salem Girls


They are so excited
And they like the feeling
Demons inside tells them to scream
Hang, hang, hang

They hear voices
Madness pursues them like a confession
They continue to scream
Die, die, die

As the door begins to open
The devil inside 
Tells them to burn
Their blood daughters

© 2013 SquinklaPsyOps

Author's Note

Salem Girls

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I Love this. Being that I have visited Salem almost yearly for the entirety of my life, written about the history of Wicca, and my dad dated a descendant of someone who has been hanged in one of the witch trials.... my interest takes me everywhere it would seem. : ) Really beautiful poem. I expected to see some sort of boring text, maybe a copy/paste of something familiar, but that is not what I have read. I read a poem that is not only beautifully written in rhyme and with a most curious beat to it "surely from the enthusiasm of writing on such a topic", I enjoyed this poem of yours!! Gorgeous words... I could pick this apart, unfairly, for it would only confuse my very comment of how I would wish to stumble across this again. Not many people know that when these ladies "and some were men" were hanged and executed, that they were left there for hours to stink and fester in the wind and sun. Most who hung around got to go home with "souvenirs" to burn in their fires and of the like. Someone would be appointed to cut off pieces of the body of the one hanged and pass them out to those who wished to go home with such a thing. The same thing happened to those African American citizens in our own country when they were hanged in the South for centuries. Pictures and documents on having their bodies hung, cut apart while hanging and passed out or burned on a pire when taken down.... are horrific in nature and actual. Beautiful poem, wonderful enthusiasm for writing a piece that got someone to comment that doesn't even have his own poems on here anymore, and stunning profile pic!! lol ...pulled me in. : ) xxox

Posted 10 Years Ago

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I am Wiccan so I can relate to this. Its short and powerfull.

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is abstract with different possible interpretations. I seems like it's about anguish while giving confessions. I don't know if this has a political background like most of your work does, but whoever the victim is, he or she sure is in an obscure position. Pretty good for a quick sketch.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Yes, I now know what you mean about being political, the new borns in California are in a confusing .. read more
Shane Mohamed

10 Years Ago

I personally think that he's a morally upright man; politics can force you to do or agree with thing.. read more
Salem witch trials. Very sad period in time and to me it just blows my mind. Blessed be miss. )o(

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Yeah, it was really wrong what they did to the Salem girls, it was a tragedy the psychic world will .. read more

10 Years Ago

I've always believed that evil was a man made concept. I mean if you think about it, evil truly is. .. read more

10 Years Ago

This part is gold
"We are the ones who think of evil things to do" and you are right there is .. read more

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14 Reviews
Added on August 31, 2013
Last Updated on August 31, 2013
Tags: Salem Girls




Writer Of The TwentyFirstCentury, confiscated the PsyOps script from the corrupt military radio host that was remotely assaulting me inside the city, which I plan to publish parts of it here, to study.. more..


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