The Vampire and the Scarecrow

The Vampire and the Scarecrow

A Poem by Adelise Eclair

their peculiar friendship

The Vampire and the Scarecrow 

The fields of green surround my scape
Its pride in glorious majestic shape
Its blooms that brighten my button eyes
That loosens up these puppet ties

The darkened skies surround my scape
As blood slides down her pallid nape
The shade of red, its fiery lies
Embedded deep within my eyes...

The golden cob of man's toil...
The spirit within the earth's soil......
The wings of a fallen butterfly...
The song of an ever spacious sky...

"The nights are endless...
And ever so reckless
The stain so red...
The feeble dead..."

I live each day beneath the sun...
And never did I think to run...
From pain that wasn’t pain at all...
But warmth that came with autumn fall...

I live my days amid the night…
Bringing rein to endless fright…
To those who fear of death’s hand
Within this forsaken land…

The skies that warm with every pass of day...
Gives me more reason to never turn away..
To this life where there is always rain...
Yet something there for one to gain....

The barren nights that fades away…
Into the memory of today
My hatred for this cursed life…
Filled with nothing else but strife…

I may not feel the pain of pride...
The desire to have you by my side...
I may never shed a tear...
I may never know of fear...

I may never know of end…
Dearest scarecrow friend….

But one thing I do know...
Is that I will never go....
Bounded to your beautiful land...
Where I will forever stand....

But one thing I do know…
Is that I have to go…
To search far off into the land
Far from where you now stand

Life embraces me with light...
Such purity the shade of white...
That which I will never regret...
I pray you won’t ever forget.......

Life mocks us to no end…
My dearest Scarecrow friend…

For I who holds no heart...
Lays down my humble part...

© 2013 Adelise Eclair

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Oh my!!! I love this!!! So beautifully written...

Posted 8 Years Ago

Wow, amazing, I love the contrast in this poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Adelise Eclair

11 Years Ago

Thank you :)

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2 Reviews
Added on May 9, 2013
Last Updated on May 9, 2013
Tags: There, once, lived, a, vampire, who, life, of, loneliness, because, everyone, meant, the, world, to, him, has, passed, away, while, he, continues, live, his, immortal, one, day, comes, across, scarecrow


Adelise Eclair
Adelise Eclair


Songs of past will Forever last.... yet in your eyes I only see lies... that blinds the pain that shields the rain... yet leaves me hollow... with endless sorrow....... What else lies for the hea.. more..

Memoir I Memoir I

A Chapter by Adelise Eclair

Memoir II Memoir II

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