

A Poem by Aiden Alyx

Do you know what its like to be me?

The ice embraces me so softly
crushing my heart, or at least whats left of it
we built this crypt together
but now i walk these catacombs alone
tainted looking glasses hung about
and i look only to find an emptiness 
so utterly easy to relate
i cannot remember the last time i saw my face
look in my eyes
and tell me you love me
this is where it starts
drifting to the floor
sinking under the weight 
of the hate in your eyes
this is were it will all end
clawing at the wall
my throat ripped out
crimson streaks 
painting the stone in shadows
whats left of the air that i breathe in this slaughterhouse 
so cold
colder than your voice
so cold... im so cold
theres no turning back
this is where it will end
tonight is so frostbitten
my war torn heart died with me
just to live i eat their ashes
the moon so bright
illuminating my crimson skin
illuminating your eyes
it's haunting me
i cannot take it
i love you too much
but i cannot look away
i try to choke out words
but all i do
is spew crimson
you turn to walk away
and silently i beg you
to kill this monster
that i have become.

© 2010 Aiden Alyx

My Review

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wow i have missed a great work like this in so long, its great i felt the emotion within it. Great work of art my beautiful lady.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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I just adore your last four lines, they just sum up the whole write. This is amazing! I enjoyed reading this piece.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Hell Aiden LeKrow,

A chilling tale of love and loss mixed with a little vampyric flair of dramatics. It was beautifully writen and displayed the emotions perfectly, I could even feel the chill going up my spine from the frost bitten night.

Excellent write. And I love the Name. Aiden LeKrow...


Matthew Kult

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on September 30, 2010
Last Updated on September 30, 2010
Tags: Vampire, Vampyre, Love, Hate, Dying, Heartbreak


Aiden Alyx
Aiden Alyx


I am a writer that writes from the perspective of both genders under the aliases of Aiden and Alyx. Everything is still me, I just have, well, MANY sides to me. more..


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