The Unicorn and The Gypsy

The Unicorn and The Gypsy

A Story by Albert Freeman

A scatterbrained unicorn and a gypsy seek a legendary grail in this tale of romance.


The Unicorn and The Gypsy



    If you call me a horse one more time I am going to thump you with my hooves!


    Gliria Ursula Dispell stomped her feet and glared at the unicorn. "You promised to help!" She fumed as she settled the packs upon her back. The gnome had told her he would be helpful!


    Of course I'm being helpful, the unicorn said. He made it the most obvious thing in the world. It was if you really wanted to think about it. You can't seriously think I'm going to let you put those things upon me as if I was some common draft horse! I swear you humans can't tell anything or anyone apart. You just multiply like out of control rabbits and--


    "Ok, I get it!" Gliria said with a resigned sigh. "You had better help me rescue him. That's all I have to say. Myron gave me his word you'd do so."


    The unicorn snorted to show what he thought of Myron. He couldn't fathom why Myron had involved him in helping some flighty gypsy girl rescue some fool she claimed to love. Just because all unicorns carried a license to do good and help people of good character didn't mean he was such a unicorn. Helping humans could be such a bore.


    "...which means we'll need to follow the yellow brick road on the right. Asperil, are you even paying attention?"


    Of course I am, girl! What kind of majestic and magical animal do you think I am?


    Gliria resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Barin was locked up in some dark jail half a continent away and she was stuck arguing with a reluctant adlebrained unicorn for a companion. She knew she should have insisted Myron call in a favor with the Guild of Heroes instead of foisting a unicorn on her. Why hadn't she listened to her instincts?


    Are you sure we need the grail? You do know it's in the Hells Fire lands right? Asperil tossed his well kept mane and nodded his head towards it. The heated air does terrible things to hair this good looking, you know? Besides why would the Angelic Priest-King of Manticore kidnap your life mate and charge you with the quest to retrieve it?


    Gliria shrugged her shoulders helplessly. "If I knew that I wouldn't be in this situation."


    You needn't use that tone of voice with me! I wasn't the one who kidnapped this Barin fellow. Obviously he knew more about it than he ever told you. Why must we follow the yellow brick road? It leads to that gods awful place with the singing midgets!


    "It's the quickest way to the Hells Fire lands," Gliria said. She was finding it hard to hold back her temper. With an exasperated sound she turned towards the yellow brick road and didn't bother to see if Asperil would follow or not.


    Asperil thought her rather rude not to look back, but he chalked it up to her being not very bright and most of all human. He set off after her knowing he'd have to keep her from doing the foolish things humans did when love came into the mix. It was why he was a firm believer that romance was a bad thing for humans. It made them idiots.

© 2008 Albert Freeman

Author's Note

Albert Freeman
All comments welcome for yet another short story. Might make it into something more down the road.

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I think this story needs more chapters babe... i love and romance is NOT a bad thing !! Biter yer tongue love the story and the write. well done.. xxx

Posted 16 Years Ago

I really hope you do make this into something more. It was interesting but it seemed that the moment you started getting into the story, you cut it off. I think you could do well with this, but it definitely needs more.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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Added on April 27, 2008


Albert Freeman
Albert Freeman

raymond, MS

I'm one of 5 boys born to my mother and father. My dad served 23 years in the Army. I served 6 years in the Air Force and enjoyed traveling to Korea, Japan, and Maryland while in. My interests vary, b.. more..
