

A Story by "Aleeza"

Never in my life did I ever think that I would expose so much of myself to others. So I'll start by asking you this. Have you ever had a circumstance happen in your life that has left you feeling broken? Even we as God's children, His anointed ones go through moments of inconsolable heartache. The question I leave with you is: What do you do with it?  What exactly do you do when your heart is shattered into a thousand pieces? When you feel like you can actually die of a broken heart. Well, I'm not sure what your course of action would be and I'm not sure you even know unless you're in that moment, but I can tell you how I handled it. I cried and I mean I cried the ugly cry. I didn't sleep, I didn't eat, I barricaded myself in my room for days and then I went on a binging feast with everything I could get my hands on. Through my heartache I ate so much garbage that when I woke up the next day my morning blood sugar was almost 200.  I reacted exactly as any normal human being would act during a time of heartache and sadness. I allowed myself to grieve, to cry, to be sad and to even feel sorry for myself. After my self destruction stopped I allowed myself to be surrounded by beautiful, strong and anointed women of God. They held my hand, the wiped my tears, they hurt with me, but then they got down to business and they covered me in prayer. They physically dressed me in His word.


They spoke God's word over me and His promises over my life. .  one of my friends said they felt the Lord was saying that as I go through this to be aware of which plate I eat from. That means to be aware of your surroundings, who you speak to and what you say. So I pondered that for a while and at a latter time I was in my word and I ran across 1 Corinthians 6:12"Everything is permissible for me"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything.. and although that scripture was about sexual immorality it was very essential for my circumstance.


 You see, God will absolutely allow you time to grieve and to mourn over your situation for a small period of time and then He will swoop in gently and remind you of  His great love for you. There are so many times in life when we get it all twisted in our heads. Just because your a child of God does not mean you won't experience heartache or turmoil. You are a child of the King living in a world full of heartache and sin and Although things are permissible we are not to be mastered by them . God's heart will always hurt for you, but He will always bring you through it.  Psalms 23: Even though I walk through the shadow of death I will fear no evil for Your rod and Your staff protect me and comfort me. The words even though clearly shows that no matter who you are, you will walk through some stuff but in that same verse shows that He will protect and comfort you.


There is so much peace in knowing my Father is with me. That no matter how bad I hurt and how long I choose to stay in a state of sorrow He will protect me. Although I urge you not to stay in a state of sorrow and sadness for a long period of time. Through whatever circumstance you're going to find yourself in please surround yourself with the word of God and people who are filled with His word and His heart to see you through it. Clearly in a time of great sadness the enemy tries to swoop in and feed you lies to pull you out of God's will, but if you continue to place yourself in the body of Christ and surround yourself with prayer partners then you will find freedom through your circumstances. Continue to stay in the presence of God and He will continue to provide you with the tools you need to make it through your shattered moments.



He will remind you of His promises to keep you from all harm Psalm 121:7. He will provide very smooth and subtle hints that He is still with you. Weather it be from a gentle hug of a friend, a beautiful song that fits your situation or the innocent laughter of a child. He will always find a way to show you that He is still with you. He will also remind you that through your heartache comes Victory. As a friend stated to me sometimes our life is like boot camp and it's hard and it's rough and tiring but His promise is to pull you through it, bring you out of it and turn your ashes into beauty.  So as I also learn how to rise above my shattered pieces in life I will leave with you the verse the Lord shared with me this morning. Isaiah 61:3 To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory.. I give God all the Glory and all the Honor even for the shattered times of my life because I have no doubt He will make me whole again.


                     Karen Hurl

© 2015 "Aleeza"

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Added on November 30, 2015
Last Updated on November 30, 2015




I have a tremendous passion to share my heart with anyone who is willing to listen. I write about the experiences I've lived throughout my life before and after accepting Christ. Everything I have wr.. more..

Undone Undone

A Story by "Aleeza"