Alice, Chapter 1 part 1

Alice, Chapter 1 part 1

A Chapter by Alice In Wonderland

Alice grew up as a normal child her only issue was her anger. Now at the age of 18, she can finally let go...


Let's get something straight between us dear reader. I am not here to entertain you. I am here to tell you a tail of when you let your demons control you. We all have our demons, and some are darker than others. This story will hold the true darkness that some of us harbor in the back of our minds. It will truly show the twisted bloody truth behind what normal people will call madness.

I stepped out of my car, slamming the door behind me, and walking behind my partner. "And just what are we doing here?" I look at him with no expression except for a small mischievous smirk. He looked back over his shoulder smirking at me as he often did when he had a plan for me. Of course he wasn't going to tell me. He never did. Only this time he had given me a small gift earlier. I gripped it tightly, feeling the cold steel in my pocket somehow made me feel happy. I didn't know where we were except for that it was hours away from anything close to a town. "You'll see soon enough my love."

He looked away but I felt the tension building, and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could make out an old building. It really needed some work done to it in all honesty. Michael, my partner, continued walking and I did so as well. We walked into this building with chipped paint, and broken windows. Michael led me down a dark hallway clicking on a flashlight to guide us. It was obvious to me now that he had been here before. I loved these moments the suspense was ripping me apart but it was also leaving me to wonder what else he had in store for me.

He unlocked and opened a door that made the room sound proof the room behind it. I smirked at the sound of a muffled but familiar screaming voice. "Go ahead love, this is your night." I walked down the candlelit staircase finding a scared woman. "Oh hello, it's been a long time." I smile at the woman with a soft endearing voice. "Now if I take the gag off you better not scream." I could feel Michael's eyes on me from the staircase and looked to him. "Leave us darling we have some catching up to do." I said with a smile on my face leaning toward her.

My eyes returned to her and continued as the door slammed shut and locked behind him. The frail woman on the floor looked to me with pleading eyes, and tears streaming onto her cheeks.  My smile turned cold, and my eyes even more cold as I leaned down to the woman and removed the gag. "I say we play a little game. Here's how it goes, every time you lie to me I'll make a small incision in your body somewhere, and every time you scream I'll make two more. Oh and one more thing for every painful memory I have of you I will make a larger incision in a place of my choosing." Her face was still red and the tears still rained down onto her cheeks, but only now I could hear her breathing. I smiled more so, and for some reason a feeling of joy spread though my body.

 As I took out the small steel scalpel, grinning wickedly at the woman. "Now now Abigail, this won't take long." She went to let out a shriek but her voice was stopped by fear itself. "How long ago did you force me to face myself?" She looked up to me, and shook as if to tell me she didn't remember. "Oh good, we're stating this game off right. It was four years ago." I said to her as I made the first incision just below her cheek bone. She screamed uncontrollably from the pain. "Now look, I have to make two more." I took the blade and ran it gently across her face, the steel was still cold, and she shook trying to pull away from me. I had made my choice of incisions, another on the opposite side of her face and one just above her left eye.


Another scream rang out like a church choir, the sound seemed almost melodic to me now. The way her voice rung out in such a pathetic way, and she knew no one would be coming and even if someone did it would be useless. No one would be able to find this place, not at this time of night, and they wouldn't be able to hear a sound if they did find the place.


Thinking back now I loved the thrill of this moment, and I drank in the feeling of fear, which only heightened the joy this made me feel. I continued making incisions as long as she screamed out, and with a twisted smile I watched as I created something that looked as if it belonged in a horror movie. I giggled a little at the bloody mess around me, and as she gasped for air begging me to let her go. I sliced her once, twice, three times in a row. "I told you not to lie, and I really don't want to hear you scream." I smiled at her and she wined once more.


There was nothing she could do, with hands tied behind her back. "Now, isn't it true, that this is what you made me? You made me become more myself than I could ever have been alone, you invaded my mind with your poison words and your damned drugs. You forced the pills down my throat and the thoughts in my head!" I screamed and she shook with fear. An undoubted sense she deserved to feel for once. "I was only trying to help you Alice, I didn't know what those medications were doing to you. I had to switch them." I looked at her shaking my head, still keeping my devilish smile. I was fixated on the blood running down her face and the way she had screamed as each incision formed in her skin.


I would imagine dear reader that you have had some experience with pain in your life. Something from a small paper cut to a broken bone. If so then you can imagine the feeling of a cold steel blade slicing across you skin, and as it digs deeper between the layers of flesh and blood the cut widens. You can feel it opening your skin, and the chemicals from your body beginning to oxidize. It should start stinging and burning and the blood comes out. Now I want you to imagine something else, I want you to imagine having someone else cut you. Not on your arm, but on your face, where every movement you make you feel the cuts rip open a little further. You can feel your skin rip apart and rub together. This is what it probably felt like to Abigail, and the more amusing part in all of this to me. This is just an exciting memory of not my first kill, but my most personal kill.


A few moments passed, the silence was killing my rush, and then it happened at last. She looked up with pleading eyes and said very faintly "I've created a monster." I smiled at the thought of this and even laughed slightly. The thought of childish monsters ran rampant in my mind and I almost laughed at it before looking back at the pathetic bloody woman in front of me. "You have created something alright, but I'm no monster. They don't exist right? Or does the renown therapist think differently now about her own patient." I smiled at her and grabbed her by her hair looking deep into her eyes, feeling her shake beneath my grasp, and I sat there drinking in the fear she let show. I looked at her and smirked with such a malevolent glow behind it.


Michael had always made me aware of the fact that I had something in the way I smiled. He said it was both innocent and disturbing at the same time. It was this undefined sensation of both Heaven and Hell. It could send chills down your spine and make you fall in love at the same time. It was a disaster, and it was unlike anything you have ever experienced. The feelings I could provoke in another person, it gave me a thrill and it made his skin crawl so easily.

 I loved Michael for no apparent reason, after spending a year in the care of someone like him. Someone who shared my fixation on how people tick and how to make them scream. It made no sense as to why I would love him, mostly on the account that I hated almost every one I met. If it wasn’t something they did, it was something they said. He just stood out, something about how he carried himself, and the way he spoke, it was all so different than any other person I had met. He seemed to make my boring life a little more worth living. Aside from taking away the sting of loneliness, he was good company with a common interest and a desire to make me happy.


I remembered this as I sliced into that screaming excuse of a psychologist. That he was the one who set this glorious moment into action. I had him to thank for the very reason I had gotten the well overdue justice of tormenting that b***h in her final moments. I looked over her and the bloody scene I had created and took a deep breath. “Anything else you would like to say before I finish this?” She shook with tears streaming down her face and looked up with a pathetic whine. I couldn’t help but to laugh, and in all honesty I thought as I looked over her that she in her entirety was a pathetic creature. What was to come next wouldn’t be the end but only the beginning of something that movies are written about. “I’m sorry Alice.” She whimpered and looked at the ground. A madness rose up inside of me, and in that moment I felt all of the pain and anger from the years of torment building until finally her sweet crimson blood splattered across the room and across my body. I took my scalpel and began cutting her until well after her body was limp.


It wouldn’t be long before my love would come back to see what had transpired over the last hour. The only thing that surprised him was the time I took dragging out her screams and cries, which was usually the part I hated. This time was different though, this time it was personal. “I’ve made a mess of this entire place.” I said smiling at him with the scalpel in hand, and he stared at me in awe as was usual when I had finished with a victim. He smiled at me and glanced over the room almost at the same pace that I had. He saw the blood pooled on the floor around the room, and the walls were painted red. It was obvious that this took time. He looked at the corpse in the center of the room, and then back to me grinning with such a perfect smile that I couldn’t help but to smile back.


I started at him for a moment taking in the details of his appearance that I was still very much attracted to. From his eyes which were unlike anything I had ever experienced. They purely resembled the color of the ocean, it wasn’t a soft blue, but it was a beautiful one. His face accented both his eyes and his lips, which when he would see me like this would tremble between a smile and a sort of frown. He was happy but at the same time worried about the outcome of our excursions.  For a short time in our relationship, before the killings became regular, he would back away or become tense when I approached him after letting myself go. I believe he was afraid of me for a short time, which added a little thrill to it. Now it seemed that when I approached him, his breath would lighten like a weight was lifted off of his chest. He smiled and chuckled a bit. “Look at this mess darling.” We glanced over the room and then back to each other laughing silently. I looked over him once more before walking toward him with the blade still in my hand, and as I got closer his eyes grew slightly wide. He didn’t back away as he used to but he looked down to me, but mostly he looked down into my eyes. “I know,” I said with a pouting bottom lip, and innocent eyes. “It’s all bloody.” I said and giggled a little bit as he looked around. I put the scalpel back into my pocket, and looked back at her body. “Darling, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to kill that b***h.” I smirked with that same devilish glare in my eyes as when the blade had made the first incision in her skin.

He looked down at me and gave me an understanding smirk as his hand moved closer, until it was on the back of my neck. He pulled me close and held tight to the back of my neck as if that were the only way he could communicate with me. I looked up with a child-like innocence and gently raised myself up to his just below his eye level and kissed him. It was deep and passionate, but it was not like any other kiss he tasted the crimson gold that was splashed across my face. He did not grimace or pull away, he just sat there enveloping the metallic taste. I could feel the way he licked across my bottom lip begging for more, and I pressed closer to him.


Now that I’ve got your attention, we can start the real story. I could have started this by saying my full name, or when I was born, but that isn’t where my story started. My story started with that specific murder because that is when my real life started. I had a normal childhood like any other kid with two parents who might not have been the best but they kept me alive. Very few close friends, and a pet that I loved very much. My only problem growing up was my aggression. It surpassed any normal child at my age and as I got older my aggression only grew. 


I was about sixteen at the time when I had figured out that it wasn’t my fault that I was so aggressive it was just because of the people I was around. Around that time my mother thought it was a good idea to enroll me in the care of Abigail Scott. Who for the next four years proceeded to invade my mind and give me medications blindly. She constantly switched my medications which eventually caused injuries. My friends had rarely seen me at that time and when she finally released me my parents had moved and I was left alone. Michael was the next person to enter my life and from then on I embraced the monsters inside of my head. He made it easy really he gave me the tools and he taught me where to cut. He taught me how the sight of blood could become such an easy sense of pain relief. In a way he opened my eyes to a brighter world. It wasn’t long before I wanted to start having these adventures more and more often. I would stare at a stranger for a long period of time wondering what it would be like to make them scream, and some days I wondered what it was like to feel anything except the uncontrollable desire to see blood.


It was never about the killing until this point but it was about the scent of pure fear that covered a room before I began my fun. That’s what gave me the thrill to keep going long after they were dead. In that moment when the voices stopped screaming I could finally enjoy my bloody works of art for what they were. In their finest moment when their last breath left their lungs I could hear their screams clearly in my mind, and as usual some would beg for me to spare them, some would cry.


Tonight was no different in the way she had begged for her life, but in fact I was different. I became more monster than human, and it felt great. I was different in the ways I tormented this pathetic woman, my cuts were more precise even the ones when she was trying to fight back. This time it lasted much longer as I turned back into my old self, I smiled with a majestically grim grin. It was perfect and even long after her screams had rung out for the last time, and the air had left her lungs. I continued to slice away at her corpse until there was almost no part of her body that wasn’t cut to some degree.

© 2015 Alice In Wonderland

Author's Note

Alice In Wonderland
Don't be too harsh this is my first story.

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Added on March 13, 2015
Last Updated on March 13, 2015
Tags: Alice, Murder, Death, Gore, Psychopath, Serial Killer, Love, Romance


Alice In Wonderland
Alice In Wonderland

Winston Salem , NC

My names Alexis, Loyal, funny, shy, and secluded can easily describe me. My teachers all ask me why I write, and usually my response it because when I write it is to escape all of the feelings I have... more..
