The Beginning

The Beginning

A Chapter by Aliceluva

A novella written by Aliceluva

This work is the property of the author it is not permitted to copy it.

This story contains many questionable moral,politic or maybe even religious views ,as well as blood,sex and people dying so do not read it if you are offended by any of these topics.

Prolog :the magic of the book

2 months before.....

On my way back from school I had suddenly a strange feeling when I walked past a shop called Papyrus near the maple street. It was especially strange because I have never seen this shop before and Mapeltown isn't that big of a town .I looked through the window but I couldn't see anyone so I decided to enter the strange shop that appeared to be a book shop considering the dozens of shelves of books inside .When I entered it I heard a bell ringing,and a old woman with white hair appeared infront of me out of nowhere. She greeted me with my name Alice and introduced herself as Madleine ,but why does she know my name?I asked her that but she sad only that it doesn't matter,and that I don't need to know it yet, but that I need this book. She gave me a big old book with the name magic on it and told me it is mine now. I tried asking her what this book is but she already disappeared . I thought this is really strange because people don't appear and disappear out of nowhere. I decided to leave the shop and continue walking towards home .I walked for another 10 minutes down the beautiful streets of mapeltown filled with maple trees and thought ,this town has a bit to much a thing for maple trees we have at least 200 maple trees here .I crossed into the street where I and my mom live and opened the door with my key .I was greeted by my mom Anna and her boyfriend Jaspor, i am really happy that she found him he is such a nice guy. They told me that they will go tonight out for dinner and that I should better behave tonight .I said that's fine with me as long as I get some money for a pizza. My mom looked at me so funny like she things I would make a house party and said okey,she Is sometimes really strange. I went the stairs up and to my room and and used my remote to activate my tv . I saw a report over a bus that crashed apparently 1h ago a cliff down and there is only one survivor left the driver who appears to be drunken. I thought I hope this b*****d will rot in prison and turned my tv off .I should better stop watching news they have only sad tragic news or sport it makes me only depressive .I looked around my room and saw the book in my polka dots bag,I picked it up and started reading it.

Chapter1:Theatre of dreams

My name is Alice and I am 18 years old,and today is my big day,today I will play Lady Mcbrush in our school musical Brush .The thing is I know everyone will die in this story but I am still happy because I am one of the 2 main actors .I really like the story especially because I and John wrote it together .I am standing on the other side of the curtain and its nearly time for it to start I am dressed in a blue victorian dress and I cant wait .The curtains are opening and I step on the stage,there I see John maleficent smiling at me .He is the captain of the football team and he has black hair and blue eyes. We started playing the first act and he kissed me on the hand to greet me like the rich people in the past did it,and we danced together at a ball. The first act was pretty uneventful but the 2 act was more interesting here sir Brush starts to kill people to become rich

Stage Direction:James(sir Brush stabbed the king of england and I saw him doing it I didn't know what to do,is my husband now a Psychopath?

James pls stop with this senseless killing.

No I will make us to the most powerful humans in the world, we will be gods.

Please stop with it.

Broad stop it. Let us better look at our new home.

Stage direction:After he said that he went to the balcony of the english crown castle and looked at everything and smiled maleficent .

The 3 act was pretty uneventful(James killed more people) but I killed James in the 4 act.

James please come back to your senses,you were different in the past. What did you became?

I made us richer then anyone before us how can that be a bad thing?

I used my Bayonett(clock+paper) and stabbed him with it.

Stage direction:After Maybeline killed her husband,she lost her reason to live and jumped into the water and drowned. Some people say that you can hear her even today crying when you listen at night to the sea(Happy End).The curtain fell down and I and John broke down in laughter. Who thought about making this miserable parody of mcbeth I said, and looked at John. He answered we did it together Alice.

John is Our school theatre main actor and quaterback he is hot and pretty cool but sometimes he is well strange,but I like him.

My mother arrived and told me how wonderful my school theatre piece was and hugged me,although I didn't believe that it was very good. She behaves different since John died in that car accident 2 months ago,maybe I should talk with her therapist about that but maybe I am worrying too much she is mostly fine and will eventually be like she was before,she only needs a bit more time .I shouldn't break my head over this its time for PIZZZAAAAA.


I bit into my pizza hawaii and enjoyed the pineapples on it,today was a good day today I did my first successful theatre production and I am eating pizza now that's a perfect day. John sat next to me,must be a coincidence(not because I sat purposely next to him).I looked around the room,and I instantly noticed the news report in the TV it looked suspicious,so I looked closer. The reporter said Betri Hand the drunken driver who drove the schoolbus ,down the road as well as sole survivor from the bus accident 2 months ago. His charges were today dropped from the appointed judge because of lack of proofs. The police said they had an alcohol test from him but they lost it,this allowed him to successfully sue the state of Grapefruit and get 1million dollars as damage replacement for his character assassination. John shouted this b*****d how did he manage to do this I will kill him myself If these retards don't manage it with their bureaucracy !!!

With these words a great tale was set to begin

Chaptet3:Death is not the end

After this eventful theatre and Pizza day,I drove with my mother back home on the way there,I though back on the faithful day 2 months ago where her live changed forever.2 months ago she drove with her boyfriend and fiance Jaspor to the egyptian restaurant “Ivy's place” only they never arrived some ghost driver drove into them and Jaspor was death on the spot my mother survived physically at least but mentally she was a wreck and since this day she is very sad,but in the last week her mood seems to have changed. She smiles again but her smiles look different I cant place what is different but something is certainly different about them. I looked outside the window and looked at the vanilla bridge its the new thing they build here in mapletown and the place where it happened,but I still like the bridge they planted vanilla flowers all around it(authentic is everything).We arrived a few minutes later at home,and I went straight to bed.

In the middel of the night I heard my mother screaming. I ran to her room and found her bleeding to death. There was no sign of the attacker only a black knife in her heart .I instantly called for help with my phone and prayed it would be in time .I sat next to her and told her everything will be fine.

No It wont Alice I feel my life force leaving me,I am sorry that it must end like this and that we wont be together but don't worry you will see me again one day.

No you will survive I know it I screamed and started to cry.

I am sorry she said and closed her eyes,i tried to shake her but it didn't work she was death.

I cried next to her until the paramedics arrived and declared her death. They asked me if I got any relatives and I said my aunt.

Chapter4: My neighbour Jasper

1 week has passed since my mother died and I don't feel as sad as I should feel I don't know why,I think we were never really close .Now I live with my aunt Elisa I like her she is a funny aunt. Her job is beeing an artist she draws the funniest pictures like this one where she made a pictures of a scissor tree or the other with the tofu mountain. I looked around my new room its spare at the moment but that needs to change I will change it soon. I heard the door bell ringing I went through the hallway filled with hand drawn pictures from my aunt to the door. Then I saw him the hottest guy I have ever seen he had dark black hair,deep blue eyes and a maleficent smile .Hey you there my name is Jasper and I just moved in and wanted to say hi.

Huhi Jasper I am Alice and I just moved in too.

That's a nice coincidence he said and smiled again.

The thing is I am not new to the town Jasper.

That is good I don't know anything about this town,could you please show me a bit the things in this town .I answered of course I can.

Today is my lucky day I got the perfect neighbour and now I can seduce him I mean show him around the town.

Chapter5:The town of mapel

This is the town of mapel Jasper,don't you already love it.

Well its a nice town.

Don't be so shy.

He stepped closer to me and breathed in my ear I am not shy don't worry.

I started blushing, he is quiet interesting.

Lets change the topic what things do you like Jasper?

Well I like whatever you like Alice.

I answered and said I like to go to the mall.

Then lets go there.

We walked down the Altinova lane and passed a lot of maple trees on our way until we reached the Mapelmall.

What wonderful attractions does this mall has Alice?

It has an ice cream shop a H&M a italian pizzeria and pretty much all the shops any mall has.

How about I treat you for an ice there for showing me around.

You don't need to Jasper.

It wasn't a question Alice I wanna reward you for showing me this town.

Well there isn't much to show here anyway expect the mall.

There is 1 thing here that's interesting to me.

And what is that I asked surprised?

That's you!

I started to blush again this Jasper is a pretty naughty guy,but I like him.

Okey then I think I should show you Luigi's ice cream parlor.

We walked through the mall towards the ice cream shop and passed on our way all the usual mall shops like H&M, Calzedonia and only until we reached Luigis .

Luigis is a big classic Italian ice shop with a blue sign and of course the owner and ice maker Luigi from Italy .Jasper decided to take my hand and lead me to a nice place there we sat down and started talking about all normal things young people do.

Alice I got a question do you believe in premonitions?

No I don't thing such a thing exists,but I believe in analysis and accurate guesses and I guess you are a bit crazy.

I am not crazy believe me,but you are for not believing the truth.

You are silly Jasper,i said and laughed.

Soon you will change your opinion something is about to happen I don't know what,but it will be something big,bigger then even I can imagine.

I can't follow you????

You will see.

In this moment Luigi came and took our orders: Seniorita Alice nice to see you again who is this nice Senior you brought with you?

That's Jasper my new Neighbour.

That's nice to see you with him,what do you want to order?

Id like a grapefruit tomato sundae please,a wonderful choice and what does the senior want?

Id like a triple chocolate sundae please and please bring Seniorita Alice some cheeries for her sundae.

I will do that of course,and he went away to bring us our sundaes.

Why cherries??

He said,because you look like a cherry.

You are evil!

Maybe I am I don't care he responded.

The order arrived and I started eating my yummy sundae and Jasper was watching me.

Jasper you asked me so many things but I don't know anything about you?

What are you doing for things?

Well lets say I am a businessman .

What type of business do you do?


That's not very accurate.

I am sorry but I cant tell you my business yet,its sorta secret and dangerous.

You are not under any circumstances Jasper Bond?

No,don't worry I don't work for anyone.

You are very mysterious I said to Jasper playfully.

After we finished our sundaes and Jasper payed the bill we left the ice cream parlor and I went to show him the rest of the mall.

Chapter 6:Jaspers brother Daemon

After we left the mall someone walked towards us:Brother nice too see you again.

Jasper responded annoyed:Brother how not nice too see you again.

So this is your brother Jasper?

Id rather say annoying half biological sibling but your words are correct too.

They started staring at each other angrily.

I started saying:how about I make all of us a Linzertorte?

No thank Milady I already had a snack but where are my manners I am Daemon said Jaspers brother and kissed me on the hand.

I slapped him in the face:don't kiss my hand you stranger!

I am sorry but I am a gentleman from the old school,that's how I was educated.

Jasper I don't like your brother he is too touchy.

That's Daemon he can never let it hands or other body parts where they belong.

I only came here to warn you about him, he is not the nice guy he appears to be,but before I start talking further what is your name?

My name is Alice you stalker.

That is a pretty name,where did I stop again?

You wanted to leave we said simultaneously.

That wasn't it I know,it was that you should keep away from my brother Jasper he means trouble he thinks he wants to help you but that's not true he is a bad bad boy and he did many unforgivable things.

I said sarcastically Like?

You will find out in due time,don't worry.

Then he left without saying another word.

Your brother is strange Jasper,was he always like that?

Not always but for a long time.

Siblings sometimes suck.

Interlude1:The presence

At the same time in another part of the town

A girl came to a boy and confessed her love to him,the boy didn't know who she was,therefore he said no. The girl was angry and sad and ran away crying .The confused boy didn't know what just happened,and put his phone out of his pocket and started playing Pokemon Go.

A presence watched this scene and created a legendary pokemon that was on a cliff.

The boy saw the pokemon and walked towards it not knowing of his dangerous surroundings he walked towards the cliff and fell down and was plunked on a sharp stone into his heart. He was instantly death,but the presence moved towards him and overtook his body and this marked the true birth of the presence,because now it owned a body and could fulfill its sole purpose.

© 2017 Aliceluva

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Added on May 3, 2017
Last Updated on May 3, 2017



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