

A Poem by Allen Smuckler

Edited and changed for the inclusion in "Unknown Journey: A Voyage through Time".


You’ve missed the message I sent today

and lost the passion within.


You’ve left me in a moment of panic

and now there’s no return.


I always knew which way I’d turn

straight forward toward the light,


but moving forward is the easy part

it’s leaving the past that’s hard.


So drown my love in the tears of shame

for floundering in the abyss.


How can we salvage what we had

when the ship has left its port.


Take time to not forget our life

from then until forever.


It’s not my choice to end this race

I’ve simply lost my light.


And never shall I lose from sight

the message of above.


I’ll always know and feel the heat

from the power of our love.


Once again the ship embarks

on a voyage without me.


I spend what’s left of precious time

and think with all my might,


what may have been  and still can be

once we ignite the light.


© 2013 Allen Smuckler

Author's Note

Allen Smuckler
Written: October 19, 2011
Photo: St Augustine FL (January 6, 2011)

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i love it keep up the work

Posted 12 Years Ago

I enjoy and submerge myself in the passion of this poem. The craving and wanting of a love. You weaved this passion beautifully. Love it. It brings hope and light to those seeking it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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"but moving forward is the easy part its leaving the past thats hard," so true just for life in general. I once came upon a quote that said, "You can not truely enjoy the present until you let go of the past." I am still struggling with this. I hate to think that its keeping me from living my life. I would like to let it go but just haven't got the strength to do it yet. Still holding onto some grudges. Some deep woundes that were inflicted that have yet to be healed. I've heard there is a time to feel all different emotions. A time for anger,healing,and then forgiveness. I've also heard that when God says its time I will be able to forgive. I guess its not time yet, awesome poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I got the feeling that this one was more symbolic of those lost to us when they leave the front door..never to grace that archway again. (not only on the water.. but whatever fate decided for them) I like the maritime language you used. (love the ocean) I visited St. Augustine, FL every year as a child...fond memories there. But the igniting the light as you wrote, to me, cries out for the one left behind to passover and grasp the hand of the one awaiting them...thus creating the spark of touch...bringing life to the inner soul connecting flame. This was a beautiful piece.. just full of meanings and avenues to travel within the minds eye. Loved it :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very true and honest feelings with this.. Trying so hard to walk that tightrope between risk and protection of the heart.. I have looked out into the water many times thinking those same thoughts..xo Well done Allen..x

Posted 12 Years Ago

Some writes seem straightforward and simple...but really aren't. We invest ourselves and the backstory has meaning and intent and flavors the "now". I hope things went the way they "needed" to go.


Posted 12 Years Ago

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Well geeeeeeeeez just wrote how I am now...tomorrow too...
Each and every stanza hits me where it counts...Beautiful
This is one of my favs of yours...I can't believe how perfect this fits my life right Emotional and well written piece

Posted 12 Years Ago

Oh very lovely, emotional, I liked the verses and perfect rhyms, the core of the poem, when you feel you lose the light, and then all can`t be the same
It’s not my choice to end this race
I’ve simply lost my light.
but in the end, still Hope can not die so easily as we expect!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Added on April 22, 2012
Last Updated on May 5, 2013


Allen Smuckler
Allen Smuckler

Sarasota, FL

I'm a poet, a singer, a peaceful gunslinger.. looking to share my poetry..and a little bit of me...if I dare I 've been writing since I was 18.... am slightly older now, and still trying to fin.. more..


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