" Farmer's Market..."

" Farmer's Market..."

A Poem by Chris

A Sunday sort of thing


Sometimes I feel we need to be HEARD with the "nows" ears and not just our “always” eyes.



“Farmer’s Market…”


Sunday morning - sound of life

Breath …beginnings, movings.

Sun’s light - flowing out and in

peaking and peekings, patterns

and weavings

thoughts floating and flowings -

…the softness of a glistening you…

to coffee and the rising sun.


A chill autumn day

both bright and full.

And the crispness feels …good

as the hand grasps

“possibles” bag and stick.

Strides begin as the mind awakes

and sings and breathes

to each separate taste

of todays way.


Red, yellow, and rainbowed peppers.

Drams of honeys - full

field flavored and even combs.

Season’s last green beans,

midsummer's squash

and fall’s flower colors,

pumpkins - all sizes, shapes and hues.


Sweet onions, cabbage, garlic,

basil, thyme, rosemary grown wild.

Fresh made noodles and pastas, seasonings…

butchered meats, fresh trucked fish,

Honey Crisp Apples sweet and dear.

A smattering of cheeses, fresh organics,

free range eggs, and a little sweet corn

…and then the ciders too.


So much freshness - their tastes forgotten

as we shop supermarkets and chain stores.

And yet so often remembered

when you sit at tomorrow’s tables

and pass the pale canned versions

of limp and taste-less somethings

not EVER remembered.


Familiar voices of the hawkers -

doing what they do best

chattering as friends and neighbors do

for they are mine after all.

Playing a lil catch-up,

haggling and dealing

and the winners count coup

as the losers step up.


And the sad lil smile as I turn away

- today was this years last day…

I already miss them all.



© 2013 Chris

Author's Note

feel free

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I love farmer's markets and everything grown locally and naturally as I like your variety of poetry in your farmer's market...:)....

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks man... sometimes I just want to walk a bit. But I have to pause and catch a breath ...know w.. read more
Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago

Both are important . You are welcome...:)...........
How vivid and alive are the wonderful and memorable elements of the Farmer's Market you so "tastefully" present to us as one saunters along with you from waking to that rising sun cup of coffee, to a decision to sample the tastes on such a beautiful Autumn day with a crisp chill to make one feel alert, and alive - then to find that special place where experienced is that which is truly "alive" - not processed, not prepackaged, not "shelf life expired", but fresh, home made - really home made; not "made in the kitchen of Betty Crocker" kind of home made, and the fresh vegetables and fruits galore, and oh the honey - local honey is always the best, and the fresh cured/churned cheeses, perhaps still with the cheese cloth still on them!

My goodness, this is descriptive enough to make me want to go into my kitchen and pitch out what remains of the food I have that is unfortunately part of the "gonna kill you" label, and zip back in time to when we were teenagers on our family farm in WV and were able to experience all of which you speak!!

I am one who is an advocate of organic food so that is a natural for me (not just natural as too many labels present, but truly organic, non-GMO, that kind of organic), but I miss the garden, the hard work of picking berries for my mom to can and make jam with, and applesauce, and tomatoes, and fresh eggs from the hen house!

Oh my Chris......you have taken me on a nostalgic journey back to the hills of Southern WV and wish there was another local Farmer's Market here in our area!! I miss them too!! So, until next summer when those who value the earth and its bounty and share with us arrive once again, I shall hold onto each pleasing morsel of thought of what was found in this year's Farmer's Market!!

Love this, just love this!!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Some days you just have to walk a lil and retaste the sunshine... feel dirt... touch your heart. Re.. read more
Sometimes I wished I stayed still long enough to enjoy a day like you've described. TO buy from people I know, and be secure in the knowledge the food I will eat was grown with a love and respect long lost.

Great work here, Chris!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Chris, our neighborhood's last Farmers Market was this past Sunday, and I join your lament. Autumn brings many joys, but takes the vibrant market into hibernation...

Posted 10 Years Ago

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Going to the market is one of my favorite things. It is so huge and bustling with the rich and with the poor, with the old farmer families and the immigrants, new here. I think that you did a great job of bringing the vibrancy of the market to life in your poem.
Our market won't shut down, but it'll be less fresh and less full of life and people, there is always a sadness tinged to the excitement of fall.
Nice job!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Oh yes, I will be coaching again very soon! One of my girlies has been texting me up a storm, I thin.. read more

10 Years Ago

waycool!! hope all goes well for you AND them!

10 Years Ago

Thank you!
thank you for sharing this Chris as I love red yellow and orange peppers with polish sausage and luger sauce...you hit on all the senses and all the beautiful autumn colors...thanks for taking us on your journey of the farmers market...Rose:)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Glad you came Rose... was nice, thanks
I love Farmers' Markets and this strikes such a vibrant chord in my mind, heart and sight. You've listed and shared the colours and scents, people and happening, made them etched tableaux for your reviewers to savour .. and all if it turned into a glorious event by your affectionate and acute observation, Chris.

'Sweet onions, cabbage, garlic, ~ basil, thyme, rosemary grown wild. ~ Fresh made noodles and pastas, seasonings… ... ... Familiar voices of the hawkers - doing what they do best ~ chattering as friends and neighbors do ~ for they are mine after all.'

Nothing can compare with that colourful freshness and atmosphere. Nothing. You've created a near immediate nostalgia.. wonderful

Posted 10 Years Ago

A wonderful scene you paint with your words. These moments are so special.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I saw you had paused and smiled...just that - smiled. I had no expectations, was just glad you paus.. read more
A very pertinent and sad reflection of modern society, processed food to feed the masses is now the way most people consume their daily sustenance, yet alas, the byegone era of grow and produce your own food and those wholesome traditions are almost a forgotten pastime !

A thought-provoking and sterling reminder of the way it was! Splendid Chris !!

Posted 10 Years Ago

I'm reminded of summer visits to my grandmother's farm in Richmond, Virginia. We'd pick and chuck the corn, pull and snap the green beans, feed the chickens, and she made the absolute sweetest tea in the world. Whew! That woman loved some sugar in her tea!

"So much freshness - their tastes forgotten
as we shop supermarkets and chain stores.
And yet so often remembered
when you sit at tomorrow’s tables
and pass the pale canned versions
of limp and taste-less somethings
not EVER remembered."

So true, so true. So sad, so sad.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Hi, thanks for sharing the memories... and for pausing with me.

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25 Reviews
Added on October 16, 2013
Last Updated on October 16, 2013
Tags: Poetry, Writing, CHris



Lansing, MI

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