"A Series Of Thoughts - Rain Is A State Of Mind..."  Poem

"A Series Of Thoughts - Rain Is A State Of Mind..." Poem

A Poem by Chris

"What is and isn't"

"A Series Of Thoughts..."  continues on and on.  Minds are like that, flowing and meandering whimsically and then raging as the WORLD just FLOODS in - then out.  Its sunny and the wind is whispering - clouds shimmering... and the mind is crying to come out and play.

Rain is a state of mind... hmmm.  Seems we often think in terms that seperate and hide us from view. 

"Rain Is A State Of Mind..."

Rain is a state of mind -
mine, yours, anyone's,
We carry our selves
everywhere -
and try so hard to live within
the 'borders' of
our allusions and illusions.

But the 'borders' have changed -
they, like we, are so very, very shattered!

The world is NOT a little place; but, no PLACE is suddenly more than a heartbleat away.  Within your LIFE - every WHERE is within your sight - not within an instant physical touch... but within your sight, within your hearing,
within your - reach.

You can see and hear
and GOD - be touched, without being - touched.
You can be in your sanctum -
the one place that has FOREVER been yours - alone ~
- your 'closet', castle keep, bed... your PLACE.
Even -
A kitchen table at 3AM after all your 'tears'
  have finally stopped falling or maybe you just
  woke and need to cry, want to be anything and anywhere
  but right here and right now
you HAVE some one else that is
you are...


I think its hardest realizing
we were settled for...
even if WE settled ourselves -
no one really wants to believe
it happened TO them.

     How long do YOU wait
     to love before you don't wait anymore?

"Love WILL come" -
"...it will grow" -
can and "WILL learn to love"
me or you... eventually,
if given the time...
remember hearing that and those?

There is compassion,
desire, want, caring, LUST,
a whole society promulgated,
studied-and-approved LIST
-  of ways to be WITH others.
And we carry the list into our lives
as the frame for how to survive.

--- and then you FEEL... something ---

And what about when you ARE in-love
- who self-sacrifices themselves
after knowing all their lives
that there is no such thing as storybook Love!!
There is Lust and heat.
There is understanding.
There isn't 'completeness' or
another "half" awaiting discovery...
'til rather suddenly their
- IS.

The shock of being in-love
and knowing it -
with someone who 'settled'
AND was in turn 'settled-for'...

Being the "other"
- man or woman
or is it always to be
- just another man or woman?
There IS a lot of Rain
and behind-so-many-eyes.

Life can be such melancholy mysts.


© 2011 Chris

Author's Note

A member of- Saturday - "Once Upon A Time..."
The THEIR in "'til rather suddenly their - IS." is MEANT for being POSSESSIVE as in Their other "half", Their "Completeness" - just so ya know

My Review

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the within and without.... working it through the changes, a life's pursuit, quietly or loud, passive or aggressive. Even feeling pain is better than feeling numb. Pain is motivating, stimulating, inspiring. Numbness is deadened, frozen, unchanging sameness.
We have to understand life, the way it is shown to us, and understand we won't always like it or agree with it, hardly agree with it.
This write also makes me think about the path, the journey, not the destination. The living has no prescribed destination, there is no definitive definition of completed-ness.... that's the spark, the essence of life, it's pure energy. Powerful stuff Chris, must have been one hellava cup of java.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


If stephen king writes poetry (I am not sure he doesn't), it would be something like this.
This poem has a flavor I always longed to taste.

Posted 12 Years Ago

What is different about the message form that I can't type in it on my phone? I use my phone a lot for internet access. I did get it to type but without caps, punctuation or spaces. It came out like this: hichrisiamatthepartypassingtimewhilethe burgersarecookingoncetheyaredoneiwillstuffmyface

Posted 12 Years Ago

You can delete this, but comments are the only things I can type in while on my phone, not messages. I am waiting for the burgers. Once the burgers are ready, I will be offline.

Posted 12 Years Ago

the within and without.... working it through the changes, a life's pursuit, quietly or loud, passive or aggressive. Even feeling pain is better than feeling numb. Pain is motivating, stimulating, inspiring. Numbness is deadened, frozen, unchanging sameness.
We have to understand life, the way it is shown to us, and understand we won't always like it or agree with it, hardly agree with it.
This write also makes me think about the path, the journey, not the destination. The living has no prescribed destination, there is no definitive definition of completed-ness.... that's the spark, the essence of life, it's pure energy. Powerful stuff Chris, must have been one hellava cup of java.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Life can certainly be a mystery. A virtual renaissance and coagulation of memories, thoughts, desires, heartaches and dreams

Posted 12 Years Ago

"Life can be such melancholy mysts."

You sho nuff gits me, Chris! *sad smile*

Posted 12 Years Ago

Sometimes we can't hear that .. hello.. for the pain of so-many good-byes .. So we "settle" for just now ... .. And grieve .. and cry ..

Jazz ...................

Posted 12 Years Ago

How long do you wait to love until you stop waiting? How long do you wait at that kitchen table before the timid little ...hello... fills the air? Very thought provoking and well written. Enjoyed it immensely.


Posted 12 Years Ago

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19 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 24, 2011
Last Updated on September 24, 2011
Tags: Poetry, Writing, CHris



Lansing, MI

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