Cabin Photography

Cabin Photography

A Story by AndrewS94

A short horror/being story I wrote after visiting the site of

Cabin Photography
By AndrewS94

Do You get that feeling of worthlessness, loneliness? The feelings like every day you do the same thing over and over but you clearly remember a time that you did new and exciting things? Jeremy does all the time. He gets the feeling waking up in the morning, walking around the small one bedroom cabin. When he walks to the bathroom to take a shower or brushes his teeth. When he looks in the mirror to shave and thinks to himself how tired and old he looks, trying to remember the last time he really paid attention to his appearance. It’s been about a month since he got to this cabin. Jeremy was a photographer, years of schooling and, even more, years of taking pictures. The problem with doing your dream job of photography is that you get paid for your services, and if you’re like Jeremy who is in a little of a dry streak of no work then things start getting a little rough. Jeremy hasn’t had work in months so he had to sell his house, older cameras and even moved to this isolated cabin, he has defiantly hit rock bottom, or at least the most rock bottom he has ever been. Hopefully, he can get those few pictures from wildlife or wooden scenery to get people to be interested in his work again. Anything would work for him, he would even go back to taking baby pictures or pictures of snotty nosed brats that wouldn’t listen or sit still for just one good picture.

As he sits in front of the fireplace Jeremy tries to think of ways to get his photos out there more, he thinks of making a website and hits himself for not thinking of that sooner. “I can’t believe I haven’t thought of this sooner, it’s so obvious, I use social media all the time. The least I should’ve done is made one and link it to my other accounts.” Jeremy sits at his laptop and searches many websites trying to find a free site to help him. He didn’t have the money to pay a monthly fee or out of pocket, just needed something to upload his pictures to and be able to get them out to as many people as possible. Finally, Jeremy comes across this website that was completely free and you can link it to as many social sites as you want. He spends hours building the perfect website, with tabs, links and every picture he has taken since he came up to the cabin. The pictures ranged from little mammals to giant lakes, the woods outside the cabin and the beautiful morning or night sky. Finally, Jeremy was done and he hit submit, the page loaded and then asked for social sites to link. Jeremy put Facebook, twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. He hit next and an error popped up saying that the accounts were deactivated, but before he could get mad he had a comment on his newly made website. “Man that was fast,” He said excitedly under his breath, as he clicked on the notification icon at the top it took him to the comment.

The page loaded as Jeremy sat in excitement to read one line. “Is this a joke?” Jeremy sat completely still and looked at it with many feelings turned inside him. Anger, sadness, disappointment and much more that he couldn’t quite explain. Jeremy was very proud of his work, he put a little of himself in each picture that he posts. Jeremy wanted to comment back angrily, asking who the hell this guy was and where does he get off with judging someone’s art so quickly. After a few deep breaths, Jeremy calms down enough to answer the comment with simply, “May I ask what you think the joke is. All of my photographs are completely original and shot with my own cameras.” Jeremy sits and waits for the first message or contact with anyone about his pictures in months and it was negative, it was killing his self-confidence. Minutes go by and finally, Jeremy tries clicking on the name of the people who comments, but to his surprise, the account is no longer active. “God damn it. Probably just a fat a*s in his mother’s basement who hasn’t seen the light of day in years.” Jeremy closes his laptop with force and decides to go out to take some pictures to clear his head. 

He grabs his backpack, extra water, camera and heads out his front door. As he steps out into the warm sun he sees the edge of the woods and the light river trickling through it to end at a small pond near the cabin. He raises the camera and snaps a picture of the perfect sight before him with the sunlight glistening in the pond and the open area before the dark woods. Jeremy was about to close the door when he nears a notification from his laptop. Jeremy debates to either check his laptop or continue outside, but after some thought, he drops his bag by the door and walks to the laptop to open it. The screen turns on and reveals a new comment on his website. As he clicked on it there came several bings, as more and more comments came flooding in, all from the same person and all picture comments. He clicked on the first picture and to his amazement, it was the picture he just took, the sunlight glistening and the dark woods. “All of your pictures are the same. That’s the joke.” Read the comment under the pictures. Jeremy very confused clicked the arrow button and it went to the next picture, except this time he noticed something different in the woods. He hit the arrow again and this time, there was ripples in the pond and a dark shadow was forming at the edge of the woods. Jeremy clicked the arrow, again and again, to see if he could get a better view of the figure but didn’t realize till five arrows later that there was a head sticking up from the pond. Frightened and confused Jeremy kept clicking the arrow, faster and faster before he realized that the things he was seeing were not animals or humans. The more he pressed the arrows and the closer the creatures got, one coming from the woods and the other raising from the water of the pond. These creatures were skinny, like anorexic skinny, basically bone and skin, the skin was black as night and they were hunched over like they were carrying something heavy. One turned sideways and revealed what looked like tattered clothes on its back, Jeremy’s brain told him to look away but his fingers kept tapping next over and over. Before he knew it he was on picture 37 and both creatures were now facing toward Jeremy with big smiles and red eyes. Jeremy finally stopped clicking and sat there in silence before the computer started turning the photos on its own, like an only movie. The tattered clothes stretched out into huge wings that were ripped and broken before these creatures looked at each other and started walking toward the frame. It wasn’t until they took a few steps Jeremy realized that if these were took out of his cabin then that means…. 

Jeremy turns around to see the open door and the two black figures stop walking as soon as he saw them. Jeremy’s eyes met theirs and he begged his body to stand, but it did not move, he wanted to scream but the air was stuck in his lungs and wouldn’t come out. The creatures started walking again and this time at a faster pace, Jeremy snapped out of it and raced to the door. At the same time, the creatures lifted in flight and flew at the door, but not fast enough as Jeremy gets the door closed and locked before he hears a thud from the other side. The force of the creatures running into the door knocks Jeremy on his a*s, then only a few moments later there comes a light knocking. “Let us in Jeremy. We aren’t going to hurt you. Come on, I thought we were friends.” The sound of nails scratching down the door as Jeremy looks for anything to be a weapon; he finds a fire poker which he grabs frantically with both hands. Another knock, “Come on Jeremy, we haven’t played with anyone in so long, it’s been so lonely in these woods by ourselves.” As Jeremy backs up he is armed and ready if they bust through, but then there’s a tapping to the right of him, as he looks one of them is standing in window smiling and lightly chuckling at him, “Oh Jeremy. You are such a silly boy thinking that will do anything to us.” 

The creature smiles at Jeremy just before he hears a thud on the roof and footsteps leading to the cabin's chimney, prepared with the weapon Jeremy readies is a swing for one of those b******s to fall from the chimney. He waits, there’s light tapping on the window but he ignores it before looking at his laptop which is still cycling like an old movie, the numbers on the pictures are just flashing zeros at this point, but he notices that there’s still one creature at the front door. So if one is in the window and one is at the door, what’s at his chimney? Then Jeremy gets an idea, he runs to his backpack with his camera, if he couldn’t get out then he sure as hell was going to show other people they exist and maybe someone will help him. Jeremy aims the camera at the window and with a flash the creature shrieks and bolts away, looking down at the screen he just sees a black spot in the picture where the creature was bolting out the way. He came to the chimney and aims the camera up, with another flash there was a shriek and rolling before a thud outside the cabin. Jeremy ran to the door and put the camera to the peephole before looking through the camera. In doing so he sees the two creatures standing at the door looking at the peephole at him, but just as he pressed the button, the creatures vanished. “Son of a b***h! Stay still you little s***s! I’ll get you to the public one way or another!”

Jeremy runs to his laptop, plugged his camera into his laptop and uploaded the pictures of just the black spots, selects all options and uploaded. The pictures upload, the error message of accounts deleted pops up and then it shows the pictures he just uploaded. There on the screen showed three pictures, but they weren’t the ones he uploaded, they were the same photo of the beautiful glistening stream and pond and then dark woods edge in front of the cabin. Immediately the computer glitches out and the pictures again run like an old-time movie, slowly the two creatures walk into frame and look towards Jeremy like they were looking right at him with big smiles showing their sharp teeth. Tears start to wet Jeremy’s face, but then a rattle comes from his fireplace. Hands reached out from the fireplace, and then heads and wings as these creatures crawl out to stand in front of Jeremy with smiles from ear to ear. He stares in horror and looks back at the screen to see the two creatures still staring at him smiling; all four look exactly the same. “Why didn’t you let us in a friend? All we wanted to do was play. Humans have so many parts that are fun to play with, but yet are completely edible in the end.” Jeremy just sits back in his chair with a soaked face and starts laughing, a maniacal laugh, as his laughter gets louder and louder he flails his body before lunging at the creatures just to be stopped. He turns around with large, tear soaked eyes and a huge smile to see a larger creature, but this one was newer, no tattered wings or skinny body. His black body was muscular and shiny like he was wearing armor; his wings were strong and large. Then Jeremy heard static, as he looked over he saw the two creatures on his computer climbing out of his laptop, both trying to fit at the same time but having trouble. “My friends here are very hungry, Let us begin.” He said with a large smile before knocking him out.

Do You get that feeling of worthlessness, loneliness? The feelings like every day you do the same thing over and over but you clearly remember a time that you did new and exciting things? Jeremy does, all the time……

© 2017 AndrewS94

Author's Note

Please let me know how you feel about this story and please leave comments or messages of your thought. Thank you!

My Review

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Featured Review

Jeremy is quite an intriguing character from the beginning. The story from the beginning was different and I am a big fan of all things different. I felt for his frustration regarding the social media bit. As I move further into the the story, I started having visions of the Ring movie. (i know the creatures were different to the ring girl BUT I think you get what I am saying)

Some ceepy s**t - the creature starting to talk to Jeremy and trying to get into the cabin.
VERY original with him taking pictures up the chimney - good use of the imagination.

I really like the descriptions at the end of the creatures - the wings were a nice touch.


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the review!

You are really making me feel welcome, I'll make s.. read more

7 Years Ago

It was a good read, the though of being in a cabin with these creatures isn't a good place to more


Jeremy is quite an intriguing character from the beginning. The story from the beginning was different and I am a big fan of all things different. I felt for his frustration regarding the social media bit. As I move further into the the story, I started having visions of the Ring movie. (i know the creatures were different to the ring girl BUT I think you get what I am saying)

Some ceepy s**t - the creature starting to talk to Jeremy and trying to get into the cabin.
VERY original with him taking pictures up the chimney - good use of the imagination.

I really like the descriptions at the end of the creatures - the wings were a nice touch.


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the review!

You are really making me feel welcome, I'll make s.. read more

7 Years Ago

It was a good read, the though of being in a cabin with these creatures isn't a good place to more

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1 Review
Added on February 5, 2017
Last Updated on February 5, 2017
Tags: Horror, Beings, Twisted, Scared, Fiction



Lakewood, OH

I am just a average writer who likes to express and get his ideas onto paper or screen. I really like Fiction, Horror, Fantasy and Erotica. more..
