You all must die! (Utoeya Island)

You all must die! (Utoeya Island)

A Poem by AndyJCash

Despite it happening recently, I thought I'd write a quick poem about the tragic attacks on Utoeya Island in Norway. It's sort of like a Quatern except each lines has four syllables rather than eight.


“You all must die!”

This is our world

Far out Iraq

Near home Norway


No one is safe

“You all must die!”

Is what he yelled

To those scared teens


Firing bullets

With just one thought

“You all must die!”
Anders Breivik


His voice echoes

Through the dead on

Utoeya Island

“You all must die!”

© 2011 AndyJCash

Author's Note

The quote repeated throughout was the first quote that came up on Sky News. I was only informed about this through a friend who lived in Norway (thank goodness she's okay). Sadly many have died and the death toll is still rising. I wouldn't say this is a fitting tribute, but RIP to all those that have tragically passed.

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Very well said, Bravo!

Posted 12 Years Ago

what a crime against the humanity!! how the world had changed so far!!
To murder... how easy this action becomes for such jerks as Breivik... are the 30 years in prison for him enough to lessen the very depth wounds on the victimes' families? what a joke...
well written poem goes straight to the heart to remind us by the criminalities and the criminals who are placed in every corner of this world and who "must all die"... I adore it

Posted 12 Years Ago

Such a sad event and this is well conveyed love...brilliant work! Felt and powerful xx

Posted 12 Years Ago

Really good write but I'm curious bout what happened....? Message me? :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

wow this poem has taken that story and summed up this event perfectly. It is sad on what had happened.

Posted 12 Years Ago

there is so much truth to this poem

Posted 12 Years Ago

i love this poem and would consider it as a tribute to the blasts in Norway. recently there have been blasts in Mumbai, India and terrorism is just straddling it's way all over the world killing innocence.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This was really well written. It was so tragic, anbd I love the way you captured it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I haven't heard of that before. It sounds terrible. The poem is very well written. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Sad and tragic event. You have captured this is in your poem love. I pray for all those who have fallen under this mass attack and pray relief and hope for the families and friends who have lost. Nice piece. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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21 Reviews
Added on July 23, 2011
Last Updated on July 23, 2011



United Kingdom

18 year old who is still experimenting as a writer. I prefer writing fiction, especially fantasy fiction, but do try my hand at poems and short stories of other genres. Away from writing, I play footb.. more..

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