A Lost Love

A Lost Love

A Poem by Anexi

To think that someone who says he doesn't care for you any more can tell the best lies. I will not use his name but this is something I found and it makes me feel so sad, but it's something that shown

A Lost Love
When I see her eyes,
They light up the skies.
But she isnt around here,
Because of where I am this year.

I hope to be with her again, except
the choices we made back then
Will hold us apart till we can accept
Each other for who we are again.

Yes I'm not over her,
Even though I said I am.
I was pulling a scam,
On everyone even her.

Some may know who I'm talking about,
Without a second of doubt.
I am ______ stuck in the clouds above,
An this is my story of a lost love.

© 2012 Anexi

Author's Note

No I didn't write this but someone who cared about me did, THIS ISN'T MINE

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What scam? What'd he do? D:

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

4 or 5 months ago he said we needed to brake it off
♥ Kinnixk

11 Years Ago


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1 Review
Added on October 13, 2012
Last Updated on October 13, 2012



Been a writer for a few years; mostly fan fiction and I just started writing my own stories. I'm a nice person who is still learning how to write. I love video games,reading, and music. I'm sorry if I.. more..

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A Poem by Anexi